Chapter 18

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Tom's POV

I couldn't belive who answered the door. It was good 'ol eyebrows. He wasn't dressed in his uniform though, he was in a pink? shirt with jeans.

We both just stared at each other for a second.

"Ummmm..hi..?" Eyebrows asked as he stared into my 'eyes'

"Is that how you're going to treat a guest?" I asked eyebrows

"Why are you here? And how do you know where I live?" Eyebrows asked me, ignoring my question

"I'm here because I was looking at houses for sale and I was interested in this one, and I didn't know you lived here." I said to eyebrows.

"I'll be right back.." eyebrows said as he shut the door, and I heard pounding, like he was rushing up the stairs.

I put my ear up to the door and all I could make up was

"I.......back.....ow.." That's all I could make out, was his back hurting? I didn't know.

I heard the pounding again and then the door opened, it was eyebrows again.

"Let me show you around the house" eyebrows said as he opened the door a little more and stepped out of the way for me to step in.

He showed me a few rooms such as the bathroom, living room, and basement. Then he brought me back upstairs and showed me the kitchen.

He looked at his phone.

"I'll be right back..." he said as left me in the kitchen.

I moved closer to the front door.

"Matt, he's inside." I heard a familiar voice say....wait...MATT?!

When I realized the voice said Matt, I ran for it, the front door was open, so I hid behind the door.

"But...I don't want to do this.." I heard a voice that sounded like Matt's say, I'm pretty sure it was Matt. If Tord captured Matt, then what was Matt doing here...?

"TOO BAD!" I heard another voice that was vaguely familiar yell

"Ok...but I have one queston...To- R-red Leader.." Matt said sounding scared as ever.

Red Leader? Tord is here, I have to hide. Or I have another Idea....plan escape with Matt is a go!

I ran upstairs quietly, and there were three doors. I opened one slightly, it was the bathroom.

I opened the next one slightly. I could tell it was Paul's room because there was a uniform on the floor.

I opened it all the way, I saw Paul's gun standing up against the bed. I ran in the room and grabbed the gun. Step one was complete. Step two-

I heard footsteps in the house. I quickly ran to the door, I checked if there was a lock on there. Crap! there wasn't a lock on the door. I looked around the room to check if there was a closet. There was. I closed the door quietly and carefully. Then I ran to the closet. There wasn't much in there except some extra bullets and a couple other guns in there.

I made my way to the back left corner of the closet, I closed the closet door. I held Paul's gun close to my side.

~ten minutes later brought to you by cola with bacon~

Uh oh..I heard the familiar voice scream


"Okay! Okay!" I heard Matt's voice say. I thought I heard more footsteps than just Matt's come up the stairs.

I got the gun ready to pull the trigger at anyone who opens this closet door.

I heard the door to the room open.

I heard footsteps coming closer to the closet as I felt my heart race even more.

I heard someone put their hand on the knob.

The closet opened.

I saw a flash of orange.

I put my finger on the trigger aiming for the figure

"NOT THE FACE!" I heard Matt scream- wait...

I got so surprised by this that I accidently pulled the trigger.

Matt was gone.

I put down the gun. I looked up.

I saw Matt's face shocked as ever.

I picied uo the gun and I checked the little hole for amo.


Thank Jehovah for that!

I put down the gun and I looked at Matt. He was in a uniform his purple hoody sticking out but no green overcoat.

"T-Tom..?!" Matt said as the shock on his face went away

I noticed a couple bruised spots on his face...

"Matt!!" I exclaimed as I got up, I walked out of the closet and stood in front of him.

"Tom!!!" Matt said as he hugged me tightly.

Wait I had just remembered..I had my phone in my pocket...I could stall Matt and text Edd to come and ge- wait...never mind! I drove here with Edd's car...dang it..

I took my phone out of my pocket and put in my passcode, I opened it, and went straight to my text with Edd.

"Edd...I may never see you again, I'm sorry..I tried to hide, but Matt found me, by the way, Matt is fine, I don't know what happened to him yet, his face has a couple bruises on it. I think he was forced to join the army. I'm sorry if we're ever enemies in the future."

Edd read that right away

"NOOOO!! PLEASE EDONT LEAVE ME! Try to escape with you and Matt, tbh your escapes worked everytime xD anyways....I'll miss you..bye.."

That's what Edd sent

"I hate to admit this, but I'll miss you too, (hopefully) see you around.."

I texted Edd for the last time

"Goodbye, Tom."

Edd texted

"Goodbye, Edd"

I texted. Then I shut off my phone.

Matt was staring at me with teary eyes

"What's wrong?" I asked Matt

"We'll never see Edd again...?" Matt asked

"No!- I mean- well- I hate to admit this to you- but yes.." I told Matt

"this isn't happening... his isn't happening..." Matt kept repeating

"Well, life is going to suck because it's just going to be me and you." I told Matt

"Hey!!" Matt said as he elbowed me

"What! It's true!" I said

"Anyways..Tord gave me a Job to do, but I don't want to do it..." Matt said as he started to look sad again

"What's the Job?" I asked

"To find you and then bring you to him" Matt said with sadness.

So they were trying to capture me. I was right.

"NO! I'M NOT JOINING THAT STUPID ARMY!" I brusted out then shouted

Uh oh...I heard footsteps that sounded like they were coming upstairs. I got an idea. I looked for a window. It was my only way out. I found one.

I closed the door then opened the window and jumped out.

I didn't know if I had any injuries or was alive or dead. All I know is, I just left Matt in there.

Hiiiii!!! This is the end of the chapter! I'm getting the cover ready for the next book. The next chapter will probably be the last one. Don't worry though, I know what to write for the sequel. Anyways, hope you enjoyed this chapter. Boiiiiii!! ~ Authors note

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