Chapter 15

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Matt's POV

I got caught by the red army...they pinned me to the ground.

"GUY-" I started to shout but I got interrupted by a soldier slapping me in the face.

"Shut up!" He said in a firm tone

"My fa-" My face was once again ruined, as the soldier slapped me again.

"I said. Shut. Up." He said in an even firmer tone.

It's been a couple minutes and finally I heard a familiar voice....Tord's voice..if it wasn't for him, we'd never be in this mess. I honestly hate his guts, and his face.

"Bring him to the building" Tord said. Paul and Patryk linked their arms with mine, and wouldn't let go, I kept squirming but nothing. They dragged me to the building with them.

~Time skip cuz I'm lazy~

We finally arrived at the building about 12 or something minutes later. We went into Tord's office. Tord locked the door, and Paul and Patryk placed me in a chair.

"So, Mr.mosthandsomeguyintheuniverse...." Tord started. He knew my code name!

" How do you know my code name?!" I asked Tord who just smiled. I don't know how I didn't notice this before...but Tord's whole right eye was bandaged and his right arm was a robot arm...?

"I have my ways.." Tord said as he looked at Paul and Patryk. I also noticed, there was a window open.

"'re shoes untied.." I said

"I don't wear shoes, I wear boots." Tord said

"You're files fell..." I said

"What are you trying to do?" Tord asked me

"Distract you so- sooo..I can...uhh...nothing..?" I said. I JUST BLEW MY COVEEER!

"You're trying to escape aren't you? The doors locked so good luck." Tord asked

"But the window isn't -" I said as I ran for the window. I jumped out, and ran.

Before I got even 5 feet away from that place Tord tackled me.

"Ow!!!" I said as I tumbled onto the sidewalk.

"And where so you think you're going?" Tord asked

"N-nowhere...." I said as Tord lifted me up and guided me back in the building.

"I only want one thing from you, and I'll let you go." Tord said

"What?!" I asked kind of excited to get out of that place

"Let me put a tracking device on you." Tord said. No way was he going to put that on me! Especially my face!

"No!!" I said

"I won't let you go until you let me put it on" Tord said

"I'll be here forever then" I refused as I crossed my arms and turned my head so I wasn't facing Tord.

Tord sighed "This always happens....Guys, you know what to do" Tord said to Paul and Patryk

They came over and tied my wrists to the chair, and didn't do my ankles.

"Hey!" I said as I struggled to break my wrists free. Tord came over with a thing that looked like a bracelet, but it had a red flashing lights in the center of it.

Tord crouched down so he could be where my ankles are, I had an idea that was one word. Kick.

Before Tord could reach my right ankle, I started to kick, I must've hit him in the nose.

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