Chapter 17

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Toms POV

I ran to Edd's apartment and banged on his door until he opened it. I fell on the floor when he opened the door because I was putting all my weight on that stupid door. Edd bursted out with laughter as I got myself up.

Edd finally stopped laughing.

"What do you want..?" Edd asked still giggling a little.

"Soooo...umm..let's just say I called commie over here, and he may have or may have not said 'we have your friend, and you'll be seeing him soon' " I said with sacredness in my voice

Edd thought about that for a moment and got a look of worry on his face.

"Is that supposed to mean what I think it does..?" Edd asked with worry towering over his voice

"What do you think it means?" I asked Edd with scaredness still in my voice

" going too- I can't lose you and Matt!!!!!" Edd Started to sound really worried now

"I know, I don't want to lose you either, even though Matt is gone we still have each other...right?" I asked Edd

"Yeah, but what about when Tord gets you? We probably won't be able to see each other again.." Edd said with sadness

"I-I..." I didn't know what to say at this point, everything Edd, Matt, Tord, and I did together at this point is nothing, I had not emotion at this point the world just seemed blank. I just stared at Edd.

"Well...I did find a house I like...maybe I could buy that, Tord won't know where I am then..right?" I asked Edd, he just seemed overcome with more sadness

"Can I move in with you...?" Edd asked

"It's too dangerous for you too be living out there, Tord could possibly find us, then take us both, I'd rather have you safe..." I said to Edd

"O-ok..could I visit though...?" Edd asked me

"What do you think?" I asked Edd

"No..?" Edd asked

"What?! Of course I'd let you visit!" I said to Edd who looked happier.

"I'm going to go back to my apartment, see 'ya" I said as I walked off, Edd gave a wave then went back into his apartment.

~Time skip to the next morning brought to you by the red army ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)~

I started to turn on my computer, and while that was loading, I got some smirnoff because that's what I always start off my day with.

I got a bottle from the fridge, opened it, and went to the computer, it turned on. Now all I had to do was buy the house. I went on the website. I found the address, wrote it down, and got ready to go.

~Time skip to when Tom gets to the house brought to you by mirrors~

I got out of my car and went to the porch, it was a nice looking house in person, it was a grey/gray house I ringed the door bell and waited. Nothing. I rang it again. Nothing.

"They're probably not home.." I said to myself as I went to my car, I got in and checked my phone, I saw a few texts from Edd that read

"Can you get me 10 cases of cola? Thnx, I'll pay you back"

I replied with "I never said I can.."

"Oh..sorry, can you?" He asked

"I'll see if I have time." I replied

Then I put my phone down and put my keys in the ignition. I was in Edds car and saw the z lever, good times.

I started to drive away from the house, and to the store, I also wanted to get more smirnoff.

The ride was about 30 minutes to the store. I finally made it though. I got 10 cases of cola like Edd asked me too, and I also got 5 cases of smirnoff.

"Your total will be £35.00 (idk how much it would cost XD)" Said the man at the desk

I paid, and took the cases out to the car.

The ride from here to the apartment building was about 5 more minutes.

I made it to the apartment, I got one of those Big rolley thingys  (idk what they're called XD)  and loaded the smirnoff and cola on there. I made it to our floor and knocked on Edd's door.

"He- Oh! Thanks Tom! I was all out of cola, anyways, did you buy the house?" Edd asked as he started to unload the cola into his apartment.

"Nope, the people weren't home, I was thinking maybe to go later because it's early, they could be at work" I said

"Oh, hope they're there later" Edd said

"How did you know I was looking at the house today? I never told you" I asked with concern

"I knocked on your door and you didn't answer so I figured you went to go buy the house, plus we were talking about it last night." Edd said

"Oh yeah..anyways, since your done, I'm going to go back to my apartment and wait til about 6:00, bye" I said as I brought the rolley thing to my apartment.

~Time skip to 6:00 brought to you by Eduardo~

It was 6:00, I got the keys to the car, and walked out to it. Time for another 35 minute drive.

35 minutes later

I was at the house, there was a nice looking truck in the driveway this time.

I put my phone in my pocket. I opened the door, then took the keys out of the ignition and put them in my pocket along with my phone, I shut the door and locked the car. I got a good glance at the house, from the pictures, it looked really big on the inside, it was huge on the outside. I walked up to the porch.

I rang the door bell, no one. I rang it again.

"I'LL BE THERE IN ONE SECOND!!" I heard someone shout.

About three minutes later I heard the door unlock. I couldn't belive who answered the door.

CLIFF HANGER!! HAHAHAAA! I'M EVILLLL! anyways, I hoped you enjoyed this chapter, you'll find out who answered the door in the next chapter >:3 I'm going to start designing the cover for the next book soon, I want to do Edd on the cover but I can't draw him XD so I'll figure out something else. Besides that, there's nothing else XD boiiiiii~ Authors note

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