Info about the sequel!

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Hey guys! I want to update you on the sequel!

I haven't had time to draw latley (because of prison aka school) so I will not be drawing the cover for the book.

And lastly. I came up with the story title of Nightmares. I was originally going to call it Nothing has Changed.. but I've been planning out the sequel, and that title wouldn't go with the story. You'll see why it's called Nightmares in the VERY beginning of the sequel.

Also, I've been hearing different songs latley with good lyrics for the book so I'll use those. Don't worry though, it's not going to be like one of those chapters where what the charecters just say is lyrics it's going to be like this:

"Set me freeeee!" Tom yelled in anger at Tord's face

"Oh, well, I know my souls freezing, he**'s hot for good reason.." Tord replied back with a smile

(The lyrics stop after this)

"Oh, well you're, right you're going to he**!!" Tom yelled at Tord as he walked out of the room in anger.

That wasn't part of the book I just made up a random part, also the song at the top was the lyrics I was using it from. Also that colab is FREAKING AMAZING!!!! in my opinion anyways.

Anyways, I'll probably have the chapter one to the sequel put tomorrow cuz I get off tomorrow, not for St. Patricks (Patryck's XD jk) but because it's teacher organization day >:3

Anyways, I hope you enjoy the sequel!!! Boiiiii!!! ~ Anna/the Author.

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