Chapter Four

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(Again, this will be Paul and Patryk)

Paul woke up, when he did, they saw two odd looking uniforms and a note on the table across the room. so he went to the note, it read:

Dear Paul and Patryk,
               I got these two outfits because you need to look normal going out in public. Also if any of them get suspicious, tell them you're the mail delivery guys or something and that you're giving them a package from someone or something like that. Cant beleive in saying this, but...Good luck!

                                                                                                  - The red leader

Paul woke up Patryk after reading the note, and explained everything to Patryk. They planned out what they were going to do and Eventually, They both got in their new clothes for the day and headed out.

They arrived at the apartment building and there was a lady with red hair at the counter and she asked "how can I help you?"

"Ummm..well...we are visiting a friend, can you tell us what room and floor Tom R. Is in please?" Paul asked

"Yes, he is on floor three and in room number is room 63 on the right hand side" the lady replied happily

"Thank you!" Paul said and up him and Patryk went to Toms apartment.

(Tom first person point of view)

I was watching T.V. then I heard a knock at the door. I thought it was Matt and he wanted me to watch a movie with him. Nope. I thought completely wrong. I saw eyebrows and long hair at my door. Yep. I gave them nicknames. "Who are you want what do you want?" I asked them.

"Hi! Me and my friend need help unloading our things out of our car , were moving into the apartment next to you, and we need help, will you help us? We'll do anything in return" eyebrows said in a deep, sad sounding tone.

I wasn't the least bit convinced, but I wanted to see what Tord was up to "Alright you make me breakfast?" I asked eyebrows

"Yes, can we do it after were done?" Eyebrows asked

"Sure" I said

I can't believe it, I was helping red army soldiers. But hey, I get more information on Tord, that'll help me, Matt and Edd a lot.

We got out to the car, well, I should say truck. It was a red truck too. "What do I need to get?" I asked

"Well, uh, there's something in the back seats there that we're having trouble with" long hair said

"Alright" I said. I opened the door and nothing was there. Not a box, not a suitcase, nothing.

I spun my head around and said "but there's nothi-" I got shoved in the car by eyebrows and he shut the door. The second he shut it, I heard a loud click. I pulled at the doors with all my might, as much as I tried, they wouldn't budge, those scumbag red army workers had just locked me in their car. What will happen next?

Hey guys! Hope you enjoyed that chapter! I'll do probably two more today, also I might not be doing the chapters that much because I'll be back in school tomorrow.

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