Chapter three

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(This chapter will be about Tord, Paul, and Patryk)

It was late at night and Paul and Patryk decided to drive back to the red leader's base/office and tell him all about what they heard from Tom, Matt, and Edd's conversation.

Paul and Patryk arrived and knocked on the red leaders office door.

"Come in" The red leader sighed as he turned away from his work. "Oh! If it isn't Paul and Patryk, now, do you have some information to share with me?"

"Yes red leader sir!" Paul said

"Now spill the beans" the red leader said

"Um..well you see...we found out where Tom, Matt, and Edd are. We are predicting they are in the apartments closest to the gun shop." Paul said

" will go to that apartment building and ask this 'Um, excuse me? Do you happen to know which floor and what room Tom R., Matt H., and Edd G. Are staying in? We're visiting them' then write the room numbers and what floor they are on down, cause knowing you idiots you'll forget when she tells you, got it?" The red leader said.

"Yes red leader sir!" Patryk and Paul said at the same time

"But what's the order to the rooms we go in?" Patryk asked

"Well....first go to Tom, then Matt, and then Edd, got it?"

"Got it, red leader sir" Patryk said

Paul and Patryk headed off to bed. While Tord finished his work and went to bed.

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