Chapter Eight

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The soldiers came right for Tom.

Tom avoided the soldiers once, but he tried to avoid them again, they got him

"Letmego!whereareyoutakingme?! What'sgoingtohappentome?!" Tom said in a big cluster of words. The soldiers ignored what Tom was saying and kept walking.

They took Tom to Tords office.

"Well, i see your third 'great escape' didn't go as you planned, huh?" Tord said as the soldiers put Tom in the office.

"Nothing ever goes as planned when you come around" Tom said

"Ha. Ha. Ha. Classic stupid Tom." Tord said calmly


"WHY CANT YOU JUST DIE?!" Tom yelled at Tord not giving Tord the chance to speak

"Well, I'm basically invincible now because I have the world in my hands, plus I have 24/7 security" Tord replied

"I hate you" Tom said

"I hate you too" Tord said back as he smiled

Tom glared at Tord. Tord just started back

" don't want to try your great escape number don't want to see what happens" Tord said

"Why not?" Tom asked with curiosity

"You just don't want to know" Tord started to sound angry. Tom realized that if he got Tord annoyed so much, he could probably make a great escape number four.

"Well, how come you took over the world?" Tom asked

"Because I wanted to" Tord said

"Why did you want to?" Tom asked

"Because I did" Tord said sounding a little annoyed

"Why?" Tom asked

"Because. I. Did." Tord said sounding more annoyed

"Why won't you answer my question?" Tom asked

"I. don't. want. to." Tord replied sounding more annoyed

"Why don't you want to?" Tom asked

"Stop asking me questions!!" Tord yelled at Tom

"Why do I have to stop asking questions?" Tom asked

"BECAUSE IT'S ANNOYING!!" Tord yelled at Tom

"Why is it annoying?" Tom asked

"Stop it right now or I'll come over there and rip your head off your body" Tord said

"No." Tom replied

"That's it!-" Tord said as he got on his desk and jumped on Tom

"Oh cr-" Tom was interrupted by Tord jumping on him and tackling him

"Get off!" Tom yelled as Tord was on top of him

"No!!" Tord yelled back

Tord won. He had Tom in an arm lock

"Now what?!" Tom asked

"You go back to your cell!" Tord said

Tord let go of Tom and two soldiers were just about to get Tom when he took a risky move and ran for the door. Tom opened the door and ran. He didn't know his way around this place so he just went into the room with all the coats. As he was running he went past his cell with his friends trapped in it. Tom would've opened it, but he needed to save his own butt right now.

"Tom-....." Matt yelled as Tom ran by

"Where is he going?" Matt asked Edd

"Keep looking outside the bars" Edd replied as he was on a bed. Matt did and he saw soldiers running in the direction that Tom did.

"Oh." Matt said

"Yep. Great escape number four..." Edd said as he got off the bed and headed towards Matt

Edd grabbed Matt's shoulder and dramatically and jokingly said "will he make it? Or will he not? The world will never know.."

"I don't know!! It's a mystery!" Matt replied trying to sound serious

As they were joking around Tom ran for the coat room and hid in a corner with a few racks covering him. Tom heard a large group of footsteps pass the coat room

"Ha!!" Those dummys past the room!" Tom whispered

"I win now Tord" Tom mumbled to himself

Tom was smart for once and waited for a while, he was just about to go out and try to find and exit when he heard this outside the room:

"We couldn't find him red leader....we looked all over but no sign of him.." Paul/eyebrows said to Tord

"Try harder next time!!!" Tord yelled at all of his soldiers

"Go search the end of the world u til you find him! We will not let him go missing for a second next time!" Tord yelled at his soldiers

"Yes red leader sir!" They replied as they marched off with Tord in the front

The coast was clear. Tom got up. Moved the racks out of his way. And went to the opening to the room. Great escape number four is a go.

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