Chapter Five

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(Tom first person point of veiw)

Eyebrows got in on the drivers side while long hair got in on the passenger side.

"What are you going to do to me?!" I yelled at them

"Nothing, someone just wants to talk to you." Long hair said

We started moving and in about 10 minutes we arrived at this weird place. It looked like it was an old , abandoned lab.

"Common, were getting out" long hair said as he stepped out

Now was my chance, I could make a brake for it, or ruin my chances, at escaping this place, either way I had to escape, I wasn't going to die here, and I didn't know what they were going to do to me.

I got myself ready, I opened the door, and ran as fast as I could. I could hear footsteps behind me, they were getting closer each second, I Made a sharp right turn into an allyway. Crap. They were right there in front of me.

"Where do you think your running off to?" Eyebrows asked as him and long hair trapped me at the end of the ally.

I notcied something was at my foot, i looked down to see a baseball bat. Then I got an idea, I could either just stand there, or beat them with a baseball bat that was next to my foot. I went for the baseball bat.

"Oh, I just wanted to play a game of baseball" I said, I picked up the bat, and hit long hair in the head. He went down. Eyebrows got too distracted by how his friend got knocked out, I was just about to make a brake for it (again) until Eyebrows pulled out a gun from behind his back and pointed the mouth of the gun right at me.

I dropped the baseball bat onto the floor and put my hands up. Eyebrows put away the gun and grabbed my arm tightly, making sure not to let go.

"What we're you trying to do back there?" He asked me as we walked to the lab.

"I told you, I just wanted to play some baseball" I said

"Keep it up with the funny business, wise guy" He said in a firm voice

We got to the lab and he lead me to a room, it looked like an office, he knocked on the door, opened it, shoved me In there and closed the door behind me.

"Well, well, well....look who we have here, classic stupid Tom." Tord said

"If it isn't the commie" I said

"I brought you here today because I need information." Tord said

"About what?" I asked

"About what you and your friends are trying to do to me." Tord said

"No." I snapped back

"Yes you will." Tord said

"Nope" I said

"You're playing with the wrong guy here, Tom" Tord said

"Well, you know I won't tell you" I said

"Well, what if something happened to someone....let's say..Susan?" Tord said as he pulled out Susan from behind his back

That was it. I didnt bother to question where he got Susan from. I jumped on him and started to wrestle him but it was too late. He pushed a big red button on his desk, a few of his soldiers came quickly, and pulled me off of him.

"THIS WON'T BE THE LAST YOU SEE ME!" I shouted as soldiers took me out of the room. They threw me into a room with nothing in it, it had red walls, and a gray floor, some dents on the walls and that was it. I was trapped with no way out.

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