Chapter 4: Airplane (Continued)

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Chapter 4: Airplane (Continued) ✈️

Lena's POV

"We'll, since were all done introducing ourselves, we'll go to our seats now. Let's talk later!" Jungkook said as he lead them all away. I looked over at Shanika as they left, and she was holding her cheeks with round eyes.

"I can't believe it... I can't believe I just met BTS and talked to Jin! If we weren't in an airplane right now, I swear I would be screaming on the top of my lungs." She said.

"Thank god we're in an airplane then." I mumbled.

"I heard that."

"Oh, sorry. I love you!"

"Whatever. Anyways, wasn't Jin so handsome?!"

"Well... they were all kinda weird and annoying. Too cocky."

"How can you say that? They're the best!" Shanika disagreed.

I agree, they're pretty fun. "Nah."

"Hello, I am your pilot for today, Minshook Yi. Our departure time is 7:30 AM and we are planning to arrive there at about 6:00 PM." The pilot started to announce stuff, and I could hear the engines starting. I put in my earphones and bobbed my head up and down to the beat. I felt someone tap me on the shoulder. I looked to my right and it was Shanika.

"Yea?" I asked.

"Uh, well I'm not that used to flying on an airplane... let alone going somewhere far far away from my parents! I'm sorta, you know, scared..." she explained. I giggled a little.

"I thought you weren't afraid of anything?"

"Well, I'm not, except for bugs and airplanes and ghosts and pirates and... never mind."

I laughed and patted her head. "Don't worry, nothing bad will happen. You'll be fine. Maybe you'll even score a date with Jin if things go good this flight." I smirked and poked her side with my elbow.

She grinned. "I hope so..." Soon enough, she was asleep after she stole my pillow. After being reassured she was sleeping and okay, I stood up to go to the bathroom. I'd been holding it in since Shanika would be scared if I left her alone. On the way there, I saw the boys wave at me. I smiled and waved back, which they were taken aback about since I was so cold to them before.

I went in the bathroom, did my business, fixed my hair a bit (since it was frizzy), and came out. "Hey, Lena." Tae called me over.


"Come play with us."

"Uhh... what're you guys playing?" I asked, thinking that it couldn't hurt since Shanika was sleeping and all.

"Oh, yay! You're staying! And we're playing speed but with multiple people. You know how to play?" Tae asked.

"Yup. I'm a master at this. Come on, let's play." I said and sat down on Jimin's lap, since he was the closest to the aisle. He snapped his head up to my face, and his eyes were big.

"Wh-what're you doing?"

"Huh? Oh, should I sit on someone else's lap? Does this make you uncomfortable?" I asked innocently and tried to stand back up. But he pulled me back down.

"No, it's fine." He wrapped his arms around me, and I saw in the corner of my eye that TaeTae was frowning.

Wtf is he frowning about? I ignored it and took the deck of cards. I shuffled it, then gave the same amount of cards to Mr Frowny, Chimmie, Jin, and Suga. The rest were playing on their phone.

"Ready... go!" Suga said and we flipped the two cards in the middle over. Everyone started to place cards on top at once, but I was too fast.

"5, 6, 7, 8, 7, 8, 9, 8, 7." I mumbled as I put my cards down before anyone else could put theirs on top. Jimin put an 8, then Suga put a 9 and 8. I quickly put a 7 on top of Suga's card. "6, 5, 4, 3. Done!" I said as I raised my hands in the air. Just as I did that, the airplane started to shake. I bounced a little, completely forgetting that I was on top of Chim Chim. I heard his breath quicken, and he held me down.

"S-stop bouncing." He whispered.

"I can't help it!" I whispered back, then shook again. Jimin's mouth was right next to my ear, and I heard him moan. I bit my lip. Sorry Chiminie! Suddenly, Taehyung grabbed my hand and saw my troubled look. He pulled me up, and sat me down on top of himself, then covered us both with the blanket he was using before.

"I-I'm going to go to the b-bathroom." Jimin said and scurried away.

I looked at Taehyung and saw that his eyebrows were furrowed. Omg, is this kid jealous? I smirked and decided to play with him a little. The airplane was still bouncy, so I used it as an excuse as I rubbed my hips against him, which made him groan.

"Taehyung? What's wrong?" I asked, and the two other boys looked over.

"Sorry, I-I stepped on my own foot. Hehe." He nervously laughed. Suga and Jin looked away, so I rubbed again and even bounced a bit. I heard him curse under his breath, and I held in a giggle.

"Oppa..." I whispered and put my hands on his abs.

"W-what are you doing?" He whispered back.

"I'm just holding onto you for support." I said and trailed my hands down, near his bulge. I massaged it a little, and by that time, Tae was holding my hips and moving me around on his own. Nasty Tae. His moans were getting louder just as the turbulence ended. Jimin got back to his seat, and I got up swiftly, leaving Taehyung behind. I guessed he was almost to his high, and that's why I stopped. I wanted to tease him.

Taehyung blinked a few times. "L-Lena..." I heard him mumble.

I walked back to my own seat after patting Jimin on the shoulder and whispering, "Sorry."

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