Chapter 7: The Concert (Part 2)

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Chapter 7: The Concert

V!!!!!⬆️ He is sooooo hot I swear😍

Taehyung's POV

"Want it manhi manhi." Hoseok hyung said.

I jumped around and danced, looking at my many fans screaming and cheering for me. I loved this feeling of being famous, I knew it could wreck a person but I'd promised myself back when I was a trainee that I wouldn't let myself be like that. Still, it was addicting. I looked around, and found myself staring at one face in particular.

I feel like I've seen her before... However, I couldn't see her clearly because I was dancing with much movement, making my vision sort of blurry.

Soon we were on the last lines of our song, and the fans were screaming their fan chant, which was our names.

"Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!"

The song ended and we were in our final pose. The fans yelled and screamed and cheered and clapped. I smiled sexily, which made them become even louder as the next song started.

• • •

The concert was finally over, and I was sweating like crazy, along with the other members. "Good work!" Our manager said as we walked into the changing room.

We all high-fived each other, then our makeup artists made us change and redid our makeup before the fan meet started. I changed into a plain white, button-up shirt and put on a crown. The seven of us sat in front of the air conditioner before the fan meet started.

<This chapter is again short, because it was just the rest of Chapter 7. Next one coming soon😘>

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