Chapter 5: House

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Chapter 5: House

Up there is the house. ⬆️ It's so beautiful!!!

Lena's POV

After the flight was over, it was 6:30 PM. The flight had taken an extra 30 minutes because of the little shakey session we had. I was glad Shanika wasn't awake then, since she would've been scared af and have started screaming.

We hugged the BTS members, said farewells, then parted our ways. Shanika and I rode in a taxi to the house Appa (Korean way of saying dad) had prepared for us. When we arrived, I took out my key and gave my spare one to Shanika. I then opened the door to reveal the most spacious and beautiful house I'd ever seen. Well... aside from my actual house back in the states, that is.

The butlers and maids Appa had hired came to us and took our luggage, carrying them upstairs. "I'll show you to your room, then let's go look around the house. My dad already gave me an online tour of what the house would be like, so I have an idea of the outline." I said and led Shanika up the white marble stairs to the second floor.

"It's so beautiful here." She said and looked around the house.

"Yeah." I agreed and I showed her to her room. It was a pretty big room, and had a bed. The rooms's main color was purple, since her favorite color is purple.

"I love this!" She exclaimed in her loud ass, high-pitch ass voice and ran around the room.

"Yeah, and your luggage is over there," I pointed to the mountain of suitcases and such. "Have fun." I walked out of her room and headed to my room, which was next to hers. When I went inside, I saw that the room's theme was pink and gold. Dad knows what I like. I smiled proudly and went to my luggage. I unpacked everything, then took a quick shower.

I smiled as I felt a bubble of excitement come up in me. I didn't know why, but I was happy and satisfied with my life.

I called Shanika and we ate dinner downstairs in the big kitchen island. It felt empty, so I called all of my maids and butlers, and invited them to eat with us. They gladly accepted, and we all ate together. This feels nice.

<A/N: I'm sorry that this chapter was shorter than the others! The next chapter will come soon, I promise!>

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