Chapter 6: The Concert

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Chapter 6: The Concert

Lena's Outfit ⬆️

Lena's POV

I was woken up by my phone ringing. "Ugh." I said and took my phone from my nightstand to look at it. It was a call from Appa. "Good morning Appa." I said with a frown on my face. I hated to be woken up so early in the morning, whatever time it was, but I have to respect my father.

"Good morning Lena, don't sound so grumpy. I should be the one grumpy! I knew you hadn't set an alarm, so I woke you up with my call so you wouldn't be late to the BTS concert! It may be 8 AM for you, but for me it's 1, so hurry up and get ready! If you've forgotten, the concert starts at 12 but it takes an hour or two depending on the traffic to get there. So leave at about 10, alright?" He said.

"Nae (Korean way of saying 'yes') Appa. Gomawoyo (thank you). I'll wake up Shanika now and we'll start getting ready. Saranghae (I love you)." I replied.

"Nado saranghae (I love you too), annyeong (bai)." He said.

"Annyeohaseo (bye)." I said and ended the call. "Shanikaaaa~, oh Shanika~." I called and opened the door to her room. "Wake up Shanika, have you forgotten it's the BTS concert today~!"

"OMG." Shanika said and darted up.

"Woah." I had a mini heart attack at her sudden appearance from her covers.

"I totally forgot we were even in Korea. Yay! Yay yay yay!" She started to jump around. "I'm going to go get ready." She went into the bathroom, and I headed to my bathroom too.

I quickly showered while humming, then brushed my teeth. Bleh, no one likes morning breath. I smelled my breath after I was done and smiled. Ta-da! All nice and fresh. I walked out of the bathroom and to my room, to choose an outfit. I ended up choosing a black off-the-shoulder romper with cute ruffles. I paired a big crystal necklace to go with it, and straightened my hair. What should I wear for the shoes? I asked myself and finally decided on black and white Adidas shoes. I did my makeup and I was ready to go.

I went to Shanika's room and knocked the door. "Shanika? You ready yet?"

"Yup, coming." She said and opened the door. She wore cute overalls with a white shirt underneath. Her hair was slightly curled, and she wore sneakers to go with the 'overalls' look. "Wait, where's your bag Lena?" She asked and pointed to her purple bag.

"Oh! I forgot." I said and rushed back inside my room. I grabbed a Kate Spade white backpack and put my wallet, keys, phone, etc. inside. "There. Let's go." I said and we walked downstairs.

"Morgan!" I called to one of my maids who was cleaning up. "Would you mind calling Travis down here? I need to go to the concert."

"Yes, right away miss."

"Thank you!" I called after her.

Shortly after, Morgan came back with Travis, my driver. I needed a driver since the house is kind of in the mountains, and I just hate driving the long and winding roads in the mountains.

"Let's go, Travis!" I said and hooked my arm in his, grabbed Shanika, and marched to the garage.

"Which car should we take ma'am." Travis asked. "You can choose any, I'll drive it home safely after I've dropped you two off."

"Hmm... the Porsche maybe? Thanks, Travis." I decided and got in with Shanika in the backseat.

"Yes ma'am." Travis grabbed the keys of the Porsche off of the key board (lol get it? It's actually a cork board with hooks in it to hook the many keys on. But it's a board for keys so... key board? Haha). He got into the driver's seat, revved the engine, and backed out of the garage. We started to head to the concert hall.

~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~ • ~

As we got to the concert hall, people looked at my Porsche and tried to look at the person inside. I knew the car glasses were tinted, but I put on my sunglasses anyways. Shanika saw me and did the same. As Travis parked, we got out and people were whispering.

"Who's she?"

"She looks so rich..."

I smirked and took off my glasses dramatically. I loved being the 'mysterious rich girl' And hey, don't nag me about bragging. If you were me you'd probably be bragging to yourself too. "See you later, Travis. I'll text you when the concert's done. Let's go, Shanika."

Travis bowed to me and Shanika walked beside me. We arrived inside, and we got to the front row.

"OMG! We're even in the front row?! Thank you so much! I love you!" Shanika squeezed me tightly. There were no seats in the concert hall, because they probably thought people would be more lit when they're standing. That was true. Girls and boys started filing in, filling up all the spaces. We were all squished together, and it reminded me of a high school party.

When everyone was inside, the staff closed the doors and the lights dimmed. Everyone started screaming "BTS! BTS! BTS!" Soon enough, I could see the outline of several boys on the stage. For some reason, my heart was beating with anticipation. Even though I was rich, I had never been to a concert like this before. The only concerts I'd ever been to were formal, more high-class, boring ones.

Music started, and I heard Suga's voice. "Bultaoreune."

"FIREEEE. FIREEEEE." Everyone in the crowd (including me) sang as well, while BTS sang and danced. Fortunately, Shanika had taught me all the fan chants, so I was able to follow along.

BTS's dance was fierce, it was filled with power, and I could feel the youthful and fun aura coming from them. Wow... I was into the beat, it was lit in the room.

- Next Song -

"Pi ttam nunmul." Fans states cheering as the song came on.

"This is their best song!!!" Shanika yelled.

I could feel that the aura had changed from the last song. This one was magical, mysterious. Even the dance style had changed a bit.

"Nae pi ttam nunmul."

"Kim Namjoon! Kim Seokjin! Min Yoongi! Jung Hoseok! Park Jimin! Kim Taehyung! Jeon Jungkook! BTS!" I chanted along with everyone else.

<Continued on the next chapter>

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