Chapter 10: Hanging Out With BTS

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Chapter 10: Hanging Out With BTS

Taehyung's POV

After we'd ate our lunch, the driver drove us to a big mountain. "Are we going to hike here?" Lena asked and I nodded. "Yay!" She seemed excited. "I haven't hiked in forever! Did you know that when I was younger, my dad would take me every Saturday? It was really fun."

Her smile was contagious, because once I knew it I was smiling as well. We went in a line to ride on the big Gondola, which would take us to about the middle of the mountain. Then there would be lots of trails leading off from there, and we would choose one to hike on. I'd already decided which one we were going to. It was the best one I could find, and we would get to see a beautiful lake at the end.

The gondola was squished with people, since apparently everyone wanted to go hiking the same day as us. There was a pink-haired chick right next to me, taking my clothes off with her eyes. The aura was awkward around us all, and I was grateful that the gondola ride was over.

I hopped around and danced as we tried to find our way. We started to hike on the trail, and it was stamina and time consuming.

But it was all worth it as I got to be with Lena. She was adorable as she picked up frozen flowers here and there, and dusting snow off of trees. What I didn't like was that once in a while, Jimin would put an arm around her shoulder and laugh with her.

It's my turn now. I decided and quickly skipped over with a smile on my face. "Lena! Let's play a game!"

"Game? What kind of game?" She looked at me with those twinkling eyes of hers.

"G-game... How about... I S-Spy?" I blurted out, not thinking much. At once I was embarrassed and wanted to take back what I'd said.

"I Spy? Sure! I haven't played that in forever!" To my relief, Lena probably didn't think anything weird of me.

"Yeah. Can I go first?" I returned to my normal self and pleaded her with my eyes.

"Mmm..." she pretended to think for a moment. "Fine."

"Yay! I spy..." I looked around our surroundings, until my eyes laid on something. "Something small and cute."

"Small and cute... a squirrel?" She guessed.


She kept on guessing wrong things, and I could tell she was getting frustrated. "I give up!

"It's Jimin!" I yelled happily and watched as Lena started laughing.

"Hey, hyung! I'm not small or cute! Lena look! I'm tall, and manly." Jimin came closer and stood on his tippy toes, flexing his arm muscles.

"Yeah, yeah." Lena patted his head while still giggling. I frowned as my plan backfired on me.

After a while, we arrived at a spot where we could see the beautiful scenery.

I felt scared, nervous, and excited as I peeked over the edge of a cliff. If I fall, I die. Caution, Kim Taehyung. "Woa~ Daebak (awesome)." I said while someone came up from behind, which startled me a bit.

A sparkling laugh bubbled out of her and she sat beside me. "You were scared, weren't you?" She smirked.

"N-no..." I looked away and scratched the back of my head.

"Aww, cute." She wrapped her arms around me. Although, she wasn't big enough to have her small arm all the way around. "There, there. I'm here."

I hugged her back and sighed in content.

"Dude, we gotta go. We have a photo shoot in the afternoon!" RapMon yelled.

"Guess we have to head back now." Lena said as she stood up slowly. She dusted off her bottom, pulled me up while grunting, and we walked towards the gang.

"Let's go guys." Jin lead us all down the mountain.

Soon enough, we were in the gondola again and Lena was beside me this time. Once more, we were packed together. But I didn't mind because it was Lena who was squished against me and let's just say... I didn't mind having a good view.

The driver drove Shanika and Lena back to their huge place, and drove us (BTS) to the place we were going to have a photo shoot at.

There was a girl group waiting for us there, since we were going to do a sexy shoot. To be honest, I wasn't comfortable being so close to a girl I'd just met, let alone having to pretend to kiss her. Yes, the director wanted us to kiss. But I didn't want to give away my first kiss to someone just like that, so I said that I'd just pretend.

"Niña goes with Taehyung!" The director called out, and a girl stepped out from the line, as I did so too.

"Well hello there." She suddenly turned flirty, which made me somewhat disgusted.

"Uhh... hi. I'm Taehyung..."

"I know, baby. Let's have fun in this shoot, should we?" She pulled on my tie and made me come closer to her. "I'm looking forward to the kiss scene."

I pushed her away. "There is no kiss scene. We're only pretending. Never would I kiss someone like you." I brushed off her girl cootie germs from my tie and walked away with my hands in my pockets. "Gosh, annoying bitch." I whispered to myself and stopped at one of the staff, asking for water. She handed a bottle to me and I took a long sip to calm down.

The shoot went smoothly at first, Namjoon-hyung went, Hobi-hyung went, Yoongi-hyung went, then Jimin. After him, it was my turn. I sighed and tugged on my fancy tux jacket.

Niña was waiting for me on the bed prepared. There was a white green-screen behind us and I slowly slipped into the covers beside her.

"Closer!" Director-nim urged.

"He said 'closer', baby. Come on." Niña cooed

I scooted a bit away from her.

"Now wrap your arms around each other. Please act like you love the other person. This will be in a magazine, it has to look good!"

I sighed, and hung an arm around her shoulder. She wrapped her arms around me, and closed her eyes with a soft smile. Niña seemed genuine, but I could tell she was just taking advantage. The feeling was way different than when Lena had wrapped herself around me. It was quite uncomfortable being with Niña like this when I had someone else in mind.

"Ok, kiss scene please! Get closer together, wrap your arms around each other!" The director ordered, and I immediately raise my hand.

"Can we please fake it? I don't feel comfortable." I said.

"Ok, that's fine. Camera-men, take it at an angle so it looks real!" He agreed, and I sighed with relief. I saw that Niña made a disappointed and angry face, but I paid no heed.

Suddenly, she was pushed up against me and her lips were on mine. My eyes widened and I pushed her away, getting out of the bed and grabbed a robe. I put it on then walked angrily past Niña, the cameramen, director, and staff.

The members who were watching were by my side and tried to comfort me. "It's ok Taehyung, it didn't mean anything as long as you don't think it does." Namjoon-hyung patted my back as Jimin hugged me.

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