Chapter 2: Shadow Assassin

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Setsuna moved along the dark bathhouse floor and through the open window. I should have around 30 minutes. That's 25 more than I need.

The open courtyard would have left Setsuna completely exposed if not for the fact that she had merged with the shadows. Sneaking across to the center spire should have been simple; unfortunately, as she was crossing a car drove up, it's headlights shining right over Setsuna. Damn! I can't Shadow Step in the light! Turn off those headlights!

Although Setsuna's shadow was not visible on the cobblestone ground, she was unable to move from her current position. All she could do was watch as the car came to a stop, it's headlights still shining over her. Setsuna could hear the car doors open and the sound of people stepping onto the ground. That must be Janus and Laurel... They're Just now getting back from Lavande?

Setsuna heard a lazy sounding voice. "The car had a flat, so I had to change it. That's why we're just getting back captain."

"Is that so?" The second voice boomed.

"Yes sir." The last voice was obviously feminine, yet stoic.

A flat tire? Really? As she began to complain, Setsuna felt a tightness in her chest. Please hurry up you guys...

Setsuna could hear the three taking whatever was in the car inside, but she could not make out their words. Everything was beginning to look hazy and her thoughts were becoming muddled. After what seemed to be forever, the car lights were turned off. I can move! Setsuna hurried to the center spire in relief.

Setsuna made sure that the coast was clear before rising out of the shadows, then hid behind a stack of crates. She grabbed her head in pain as she gasped for air. Her heart was pounding and she was covered in cold sweat. That was too close.

As Setsuna regained control of her breathing, she got ready to go when she heard the door to the tower open. The door was gently shut and the sound of light footsteps softly echoed against the walls of the tower. That must be Olivier.

Setsuna sank into the shadows once again. Her shadow went up the darkness on the wall, resulting in her reaching the top before Olivier. Setsuna laid in wait at the top of the spiral staircase. This would be so much easier if I could make it look like an accident. Couldn't I just push him down the stairs?

Setsuna decided to head into the room on the top floor. The room that had once served as a watch room was now empty with the exception of a table in the center. Setsuna continued to wait in the darkness as she unsheathed her blade.

Setsuna thought about what she was getting ready to do when Yelena came to mind. "You're sweet Setsuna... You're a good friend... I trust you... You're a good person, Setsuna..." Setsuna tried to clear her mind, when Olivier came into the room. Although her mark stood before her, all Setsuna could see in was the vision of Yelena's naïve smile in her mind. "You're a good person... You're sweet... I trust you..."


Setsuna crouched down, ready to pounce.

"Fang of the White Tiger: Byakkoga!!!"

Setsuna leapt out of the dark floor and thrust her kodachi into Olivier.

"Se... tsu... na..."

She placed her hand over his mouth.

"Didn't I tell you not to make a sound?"

Setsuna diverted her glance from Olivier's pleading eyes.

"Don't worry. It will be over soon..."

Setsuna pulled her blade out of Olivier's abdomen as he started to bleed out.

I messed up, she thought. If I hadn't been distracted, it would have been a clean hit. He would be dead now, but instead he's living the last few moments of his life in agonizing pain.

Olivier fell to his knees. Setsuna caught Olivier as he fell to his knees. "I'm sorry." Setsuna whispered as she laid his head on her lap. "I know it doesn't mean much... but I don't want you to die alone."

Setsuna gazed out at the stars. "You know," she started, "That gaudy cologne of yours... it really stinks, you know." Setsuna was struggling to hold back tears. "I'm pathetic," She thought. I kill him and now I feel bad for him? I want to try and talk? What's wrong with me? Setsuna began to cry as she looked down at Olivier. She was sitting in a pool of his blood. Although his eyes were still open, he was finally dead; it was time for her to leave.

The return to the bathhouse went smoothly. Setsuna emerged from the floor of her shower stall and began to wash Olivier's blood off her clothing. After taking off the suit, and cleaning it, she wrung as much water out of it as she could before tossing it back into her bag. She washed the blood off her blade and then continued to clean herself. As she finished bathing, Setsuna watched the last of Olivier's blood spiral down the drain.

That was so wrong... but what choice did I have? It's the only way... the only way to save her..." Setsuna felt herself begin to cry. "Stop crying!" she yelled as she thrust her face under the showerhead. As the water ran over her face, she could hear a voice in her head mocking her. "You're such a crybaby!" Setsuna clinched her fist and gritted her teeth, the tears streaming down her cheeks hidden by the streaming water.

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