Chapter 9: Interrogation (Part 1)

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That afternoon – 1800

When Setsuna regained consciousness, her body was throbbing with pain. She looked around the dimly lit room in an attempt to gain her bearings, only to determine that she had no idea where she was.  She didn’t understand her present situation, so she decided to walk around.

What!? My arms are chained up!

Indeed, Setsuna was chained to a wall. Rendered immobile, she decided to take a second glance at her surroundings.

Now that her vision had adjusted to the light in the room, Setsuna could see that she was in a library of some kind. Old books covered in dust lined the walls. Mold thrived throughout the room, covering everything from the rotting wood of the bookshelves to the tiny cracks in the stone floor. This place looks abandoned, Setsuna thought. Its warm… and damp… and smells bad.

Setsuna felt something wet fall onto her head. When she glanced up, she saw the ceiling was dilapidated and covered in cracks.  As the ceiling continued to leak, Setsuna could hear a gentle hum. Oh, it must be raining now… But if its already raining, then it must be afternoon already! What happened? The last thing I remember was...

Setsuna winced as the memories come rushing back to her.

After I confessed… Yelena looked at me in horror. She was petrified. I couldn’t think of what to say. I didn’t want to lie to her, so I just told the truth. Was that a mistake? She probably thinks I’m a monster now…

“Oww! Ahhh…”

Setsuna moaned in pain as she recalled how she sustained her injuries.

That’s right… While I was focused on Yelena, Eustis came and… well... Setsuna remembered Eustis tackling her to the ground and pummeling her face.

I couldn’t do anything. Everybody just watched as he hit me over and over. Nobody tried to help… not that I blame them. Besides, no one ever comes to help… I suppose Eustis has every right to kill me. A life for a life… That’s only fair, right? Not that my life has much value now. I’m only being kept alive for information…

Same Day – 5 hours earlier

“Mr. Marquette! I need you to stop!”

Megumi walked over to Eustis, who had been punching a defenseless Setsuna in the face for the last fifteen seconds. She grabbed his arm before his fist could strike Setsuna’s bloodied face again.

“I don’t particularly care if you kill her,” Megumi stated flatly, “but we need to interrogate her first.”

Eustis slowly got up. He looked down at Setsuna who lied on the ground, her face covered in blood. He watched her chest race up and down as she gasped for air.

“Look at you, struggling to breath. If it weren’t for you, my brother would still be breathing!”

Eustis stomped on Setsuna’s stomach. She made a sound like air escaping from a balloon. She slowly rolled onto her side, writhing in pain. When she finally got her breath back, Setsuna let out a horrible wail. Setsuna remembered hearing Eustis call her pitiful before everything went black.

That Evening - 1805

Setsuna started to grit her teeth. I’m only alive because Megumi stopped Eustis. She said I had to be interrogated first… Why bother though? She doesn’t seem to have the same goal as the government. What could she be after? Why does she know so much about home?

As Setsuna puzzled over Megumi, she heard a door open in the distance. She looked to see Megumi walking down a flight of stairs.

“So you’re finally awake?”

Setsuna didn’t respond.

“I know you were looking at me come as I came down. Save us both some time, okay Sunshine?”

“Where are we? Are we underground?”

Megumi chuckled. “It doesn’t really matter since you’re not going anywhere, now does it?”

“Please just answer my question.” Setsuna replied dryly.

“Hmm? No scathing comeback?”

“I’m just... tired.”

Megumi smiled. “Well since you said please, I guess I can! Yes, you’re underground.”

Neither of the two said anything for a while. The sound of rainfall grew louder around the room. The rain is starting to pick up Setsuna thought.

Megumi was the first to speak. “Who are you? Who are you and why are you here?”


“Where and how did you learn your technique?”

Setsuna stared blankly at Megumi.

“This isn’t getting anywhere,” Megumi sighed, “so let’s change topics.”


“You’re working for Hideo Igarashi, correct?”

Setsuna gasped. How does she know Igarashi!?

Megumi continued. “What is he after? Why did he send you here?”

Setsuna whispered her response. “I… I don’t know. I wasn’t told anything.”

“Speak up!”

“I said I don’t know.”

“So you came here to kill people and you don’t even know why? Don’t lie to me!”

“I’m not lying!” Setsuna yelled, her voice cracking a bit. “And even if I did, I wouldn’t tell you!”

Setsuna glared at Megumi, who returned her look with a murderous gaze. The rage on Megumi’s face made her smile.
“You know, you shouldn’t frown like that,” Setsuna mocked, “or you’ll face will wrinkle prematurely.”

Megumi was not amused. She grabbed Setsuna’s jaw. Her nails dug into Setsuna’s flesh like claws as she pulled their faces within inches of each other. Her eyes seemed to shimmer in the faintly lit room; her eye liner slightly soiled in the corner of her eyes.

“Listen you little bitch,” Megumi said slowly and dryly, “I’ve waited too long for this. You are going to tell me what I want to know!”

Megumi strengthened her grip on Setsuna. Setsuna’s face began to bleed as Megumi’s nails broke through her skin. She couldn’t speak, so Setsuna replied the only way she knew how: A giant wad of spit to the face.

Megumi backed off, making a face of disgust as she wiped the spit that had landed just above her lips. After looking at the mass of saliva now on her hand, Megumi stepped towards Setsuna and slapped her with the same palm.

“This isn’t over, Setsuna. You will tell me what I need to know, even if I have to make you suffer through hell for it.”

Megumi then left the room.

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