Chapter 8: Anxious Feelings (Part 2)

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Morning - 0823

Once again, Setsuna awoke to somebody pounding on her door. A man’s voice boomed from the other side of the door.

“We’re meeting downstairs at 0900! Don’t be late!”

Setsuna rolled out of bed. That must be Renard. Damn he’s loud. After stretching, yawning, and rubbing the sleep out of her eyes, Setsuna went over to the windowpane, which was cool to the touch. She looked out to see a greyish-blue sky with dark clouds looming in the distance. A storm is coming. A big one…

Setsuna looked over to Yelena’s unmade mess of a bed; she wasn’t there. I wonder where she could’ve gone… Oh well, Setsuna reasoned, I guess I’ll see her downstairs in a few regardless.

Setsuna ran into Laurel and Margaret as she headed downstairs.

“Good morning you two.”

Bonjour, Miss Fuyutsuki.” Margaret replied. Laurel simply nodded.

“Have you two seen Yelena this morning?”

Margaret broke eye contact as she thought for a second. “Hmm… Sorry, but I can not say I have.” Laurel shook her head as Setsuna looked towards her. “I’ve been asleep all morning.”


“Is everything alright?” Margaret asked.

“Oh yes!” Setsuna responded, “It’s just that Yelena wasn’t in the room when I got up this morning, and she’s far from an early bird.”

“Well,” Margaret assured, “certainly we will find her before long.”

“You’re right.” Setsuna agreed. “I guess I’m just paranoid, what with all of the stuff that’s happened recently.”

Margaret sighed. “I understand how you feel.”

The three resumed walking as Laurel quietly laughed to herself. Using your concern for Yelena to avert suspicion? You’re a sneaky one, Fuyutsuki…

Morning – 0900

When Setsuna arrived in the meeting room, she found Yelena standing by herself on the opposite wall.

“Yelena!” Setsuna called out. “Where have you been? I was worried.”

Yelena gave an innocent laugh. “Sorry!” she smiled, “I just needed to get some fresh air!”

Setsuna frowned. “It’s dangerous outside! You should’ve said something! Nobody knew where you were!”

Yelena smiled. “You worry too much! I just wanted to enjoy this sudden cool weather. It’s so much better out now! It’s like the heatwave from the last few days never happened!”

Setsuna seemed ready to continue scolding Yelena when Megumi began to address everybody.

“Well then,” Megumi said, “with the exception of our good captain, everybody is here. Let’s begin, shall we?”

“We don’t need the captain?” Eustis asked.

“He has already been informed of the situation.”

“What do you mean?” Setsuna asked. “Has something happened?”

Megumi bore a stern face. “As a matter of fact, something has. I know who the killer is. They’re in this room.”

The room was silent as everyone exchanged suspicious glances. She can’t possibly know I did it, Setsuna thought, she hasn’t even been here an entire day. And she can’t prove it anyway. Before she could voice her doubts, Ancil spoke up.

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