Chapter 14: Why?

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Yelena and Margaret checked Eustis into the hospital upon reaching Lavande. The hospital was four stories high, with Eustis staying on the second floor.

"Room 214A," Yelena said. "Let's come back in a few days."

Margaret frowned. "Actually, I think somebody should stay with Eustis. I can stay behind."

Yelena paused for a moment. "Hmm... That would be nice, but where would you sleep? Plus, I think we need to get back. This place is safe anyways."

Margaret gave a weak grin. "True. And this facility is very modern. I think he should have a decent stay."

"Yeah, this place does look, like, really new!"

The walls inside the hospital all had fresh coats of paint. The lilac walls gave the building a lively feel. The white laminate floors reflected the big, industrial tube lights on the ceiling. The sound of the central air conditioning turning on shot through the hallway, followed by a refreshing blast of cool air.

"I kinda wanna stay here now!" Yelena joked.

"I know what you mean," Margaret agreed. "Cool air is nice after staying in that hot, rundown monastery."

"I want to live somewhere new with an AC!" Yelena whined, her cheeks somewhat puffed out.

Margaret pointed to the ceiling. "This place even has a fire protection system. If a fire starts, those sprinklers up there will spray water to help put it out."

Yelena looked up, her eyes opened wide. "New technology is amazing!" she proclaimed. "But a false alarm would be really annoying!" she added. "If something goes wrong, everybody would be drenched!"

"I... suppose that could happen..." Margaret replied blushing. "A worse case scenario."

"Well, whatever," Yelena said nonchalantly, "let's go!"



ith Eustis safe at the Lavande hospital, Margaret moved to the front to sit next to Yelena. The view out the front windshield allowed Margaret a clearer view of the storm's intensity.

"This is quite a strong storm." Margaret opined.

"Yeah," Yelena agreed, "this seems pretty bad. I've never seen this much water before."

"You jest?"

Yelena shook her head. "Nope. I lived in Narodnaya all my life. We got snow, not rain.

"That makes sense. That high up, you probably don't have rain and humidity like this."

"Exactly! That's what I keep trying to tell Setsuna, but she won't listen!"


Hearing Margaret go mute at the mention of Setsuna's name prompted Yelena to change topics.

"Margot," Yelena asked, "why did you join the SDU?"

Margaret took a second before responding. "Our nation has a conscription instituted. I had no choice."

"But why Sinclair?"

Margaret seemed to squirm in her chair. "Because... Because of who I am."

"What do you mean?"

"Well... before the fall of the crown, my father held the title of Marquis. In addition, my family holds a majority share in The Primevère Maritime Company. Unlike most of the nobility, my family possessed wealth beyond our name. I loath to admit it, but I was given this sinecure due to my family's status."

Yelena nodded. "I see. So it was once again a conscience decision"

"What do you mean?" Margaret asked. "Why are you asking this?"

"I want to know why we're all here," Yelena replied solemly. "It seems that everyone here was handpicked. We're here because someone wants us to be. The reasons seem different, but not random."

"So? What do you think is wrong?"

"I don't know, but..."


"I think Setsuna is being used."

Lightning flashed in the distance as Yelena stated her hypothesis. Both girls sat speechless as the storm continued to rage outside. After a prolonged silence, Margaret addressed Yelena's concerns.

"Yelena," Margaret said with a hint of melancholy in her voice, "don't be a conspiracy theorist. This is social politics, nothing more. Remember the last fight Ancil and Olivier had at dinner? Everybody can see it; even in this new government, the powerful take advantage of the weak. Everybody is fighting for affluence, the church included. Why else have you and your brother been sent to this abandoned monetary? Why are any of us 'soldiers' stationed somewhere with no tactical advantage?"

Yelena tightened her grip on the steering wheel. "I don't know why. Sinclair must have some significance, I just don't what it is."

"Exactly," Margaret responded. "There is nothing you can do about it either. Sadly, all we can do is go with it. The reason why is irrelevant. Both you and I lack the power necessary to change things."


Margaret suddenly pointed out the window. "Look! What is that?"

Yelena looked to the southwest where Margaret pointed. "I can only make out some blurry lights due to the rain, but..."

Margaret looked at Yelena. "Yelena... I think those are headlights..."

Yelena felt her body stiffen. "I have a bad feeling Margot."


Has Yelena been right to worry all this time? The events surrounding the residents of Sinclair Monastère continue to confound!

Next time: The Lust for Power - Please look forward to it

Thanks for reading. As always, comments and critiques would be great! If you enjoyed the chapter, let me know with your vote. Bye!

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