Chapter 5: The Violet Witch (Part 2)

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Same Day – 15:00

The heat had only grown more severe over the course of the day. Looking out, the sky and earth seemed to blur at the horizon. The prairie grass, browning from several days without precipitation, crunched underneath Setsuna as she walked to meet the others.

“Alright, everybody’s here.”

It had only taken a few minutes to walk to the north of the monastery, yet Setsuna was covered in sweat, as were the rest of her comrades. The desire to get out of the scorching sun was shown on all of the faces present; all except for The Witch.

The Witch was standing in the middle of the plain, fully exposed to the burning rays of the sun. Despite this, she didn’t have a drop of sweat on her. On the contrary, she seemed quite comfortable, much to Setsuna’s annoyance.

“Are you enjoying yourself?”

“Why, whatever do you mean?”

If Setsuna hadn’t been frowning already from the heat, she would be now out of irritation.

“You must be very skilled with water ether,” Setsuna retorted coldly, “to not be sweating.”

“You’re very observant!”

“And you’re really damn annoying.”

Yelena intervened. “Setsuna!”

Setsuna let out a deep breath before backing down. She wiped a few beads of sweat that were a accumulating around her temple.

“Well now that that is settled, let’s get this little exercise started. I wouldn’t want anybody to get heatstroke after all!”

Setsuna rolled her eyes. She was about to stop listening when The Witch’s voice took on a serious tone.

“I bought you all out here because I want to have one-on-one battles with each of you.”

Setsuna’s interest had returned. Now I’ll learn why they call you "The Violet Witch".

“The rules are simple: The first one knocked to the ground loses. Attack me with everything you’ve got!”

The Witch then pulled a sheet of paper out of her pocket. “Miss Sergeyevna, would you come forward please?”

“Yes ma’am!”

Yelena stepped forward.

“No, no! Come here! I don’t bite!”

The Witch’s playful voice had returned as she motioned for Yelena to come closer. Sensing Yelena’s anxiety, she extended her hand out and smiled warmly. The two shook hands.

“Hi Yelena. My name is Megumi. I’m pleased to meet you.”

“Umm, hello ma’am”

“Ma’am? I doubt I’m that much older than you! You can just call me Megumi.”

“Yes… Megumi.”

“Yelena, would you be willing to be my assistant for this exercise? I read over your files, and apparently the only medic here is you. I don’t want anybody here to get hurt too bad. Could you do that?”


Megumi smiled. “You’ve lightened up already. Now we just need to do something about sunshine over there.” Megumi tilted her head in Setsuna’s direction. Setsuna responded with a furrowed brow.

“Now then,” Megumi continued, “I have all of your names on this paper, but I don’t have faces to go with the names. I gave a number to each name on this list. Yelena is going to choose a number between one and six. The name that corresponds with the number she picks is my first opponent. Simple, right?”

With the rules of the sparring set, Yelena was asked to choose a number.

“Hmm… how abooouuuut… Three!”

Megumi laughed. “Well I actually know number three! Ancil Bellrose!”

Ancil stepped forward, his slender rapier at his side. He drew his weapon, the point of the blade slightly aimed upwards.

“I’m ready. Please grab you’re weapon, my lady.”

Megumi stepped up. “That won’t be necessary, just come at me.”

Megumi didn’t only sound confident, but looked confident as well. She removed her shades, revealing the lilac color of her eyes. “Those eyes…” Setsuna whispered to herself. “There so… creepy.”

“Yelena, would you do the honors?” Megumi asked.

“Yeah! Ready… Go!”

As soon the fight started, the two ran towards one another. Ancil was the first to strike, thrusting his weapon straight towards his opponents heart. Megumi barely evaded the thrust.

“You can do better Ancil!”

“I can’t very well go full strength against an unarmed lady. That would never do!”

“But wouldn’t it be more disgraceful to lose to an unarmed lady? I think your father would be very disappointed.”

Setsuna studied Megumi’s movement. Ancil has no idea what he’s up against. She evaded that thrust at the last moment intentionally and is provoking him to attack. She just wants to show off.

Ancil readied has rapier once more.

Ja. That is true, my lady. So please forgive me for this!”

Ancil rushed forward with a flurry of thrust. Megumi continually back stepped to dodge all of the thrust with only inches to spare. The thrust came with greater speed as the match went on, coming closer and closer to piercing their target. Despite the danger, however, Megumi looked upon the rapier without a hint of fear.

Her focus is unwavering, Setsuna thought. Her eyes haven’t strayed from the tip of his blade for a moment.

Ancil continued his relentless assault. If I keep gaining on her at this rate, It will only be a few more seconds until I impale her!

Ancil performed one last, extended thrust with the intent to finish Megumi. The lunge he added increased the range of his attack, making it impossible to dodge by back stepping.

Unfortunately for Ancil, she side stepped the attack.

As the thrust flew pass her face, Megumi rose her left leg and kicked Ancil in the stomach. Ancil fell to the ground as he clutched his abdomen in pain.

“That was a very strong thrust,” Megumi stated, “Which is why it hurt so much when it’s force was used against you.”

Setsuna was intrigued. So she tricked him into pouring all his energy into a predictable attack, then used the momentum of the attack against him. She hardly had to do anything.

“OK! Next number Yelena!”

Yelena, in awe of Megumi’s victory, jumped to attention. “Oh, umm, let’s see… how about… two!”

Megumi reached into her pocket and pulled out the list of names again.

“Alright, next up is…”


That's it for this week! With her name revealed, Megumi the Violet Witch defeating Ancil with ease. How will the next opponent fair?

Next week: Exhibition
Please look forward to it!

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