Chapter 5: The Violet Witch (Part 1)

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Midsummer was in full effect and the afternoon sun was relentless. The white cobblestone of the courtyard acted as a mirror to reflect the sunlight, making the entire monastery seem to shine. It would have been a beautiful scene, if it weren't so hot.

"Setsunaaaa!!! It's so hot! I, like, really hate the heat... Ughhhh!"

Setsuna looked across the room to see Yelena sprawled out on top of her bed wearing only her underwear. "I'm hot too," Setsuna said as she diverted her glance, "but I'm not whining about it or walking around undressed."

"Oh, hush!"

Setsuna began to smile. "Wow! I've never seen you so irritable before! Did you not have summers back home!?"

Yelena, obviously not amused, quickly retorted.

"Narodnaya is in the mountains. It never gets this hot."

Yelena reached into a pail beside her bed and pulled out a wet hand towel. "Also," she continued, "I'm not walking around!" Yelena placed the wet towel on her forehead and rolled onto her back. "I'm staying right here!"

No sooner had Yelena vowed not to move was there a knock on the door. It was Margaret.

"Yelena! Setsuna! The agent from the capitol is about to arrive! Captain Renard wants us all out to greet her!"

Setsuna hopped off her bed.

"Sorry Yelena!"

Outside, the sun continued it's merciless beat down. With an infrequent breeze and no cloud cover, there was little to help mitigate the heat. Everybody was wearing lightweight clothing; Even Margaret is wearing a sleeveless blouse, Setsuna thought, and we all know how conservative she is. It was hot enough that nobody bothered wasting energy to talk. Unless it was Renard giving the order to go back inside, there was nothing to say.

After a few minutes, a maroon colored sedan pulled into the monastery. The windows were tinted so that the passengers couldn't be seen from the outside, however the national regalia on the front hood marked it as a government vehicle.

"Alright, Violet Witch," Setsuna said, "Let's see what you're up to."

Tension filled the air as the vehicle came to a stop in front of them. Setsuna didn't notice that she was holding her breath until she felt Yelena's hand on her shoulder.

"Hey," Yelena asked, "What did Ancil tell you about this woman?" Setsuna was quick to regain her composure. "Nothing. Ancil wouldn't tell me anything..."

The front driver's side door opened and a man dressed in a velvet uniform got out. After bowing to Ancil, he opened the back door to the sedan.

"We have arrived at Sinclair, Madame."

"Thank you George."

The voice sounded mature, but not hostile. The feminine voice was obviously foreign, but her accent was light and her words understandable. As she got out of the car, Setsuna could see the top of The Witch's head.

"Violet hair," Setsuna whispered to Yelena, "That must be where she gets her name."

The Witch continued speaking.

"But you know George, you really don't have to be so formal. I don't mind. It isn't like I pay your salary!"

"I'm afraid I can't comply, Madame. The Commandant himself told me to insure that you were treated with the utmost courtesy on this trip."

"Really? Well I'll put in a good word for you, alright."

"Th, thank you, Madame!"

Yelena glanced over at Setsuna who was rolling her eyes.

"I don't like her already."

Setsuna folded her arms as she impatiently waited.

"Really, Setsuna? I think that's like, really nice of her."

Setsuna groaned. "She isn't being nice. She's just establishing her superiority."

The Witch began to walk towards the group. Setsuna gave her a full look over as she approached. Long purple hair in a fancy updo with gold hairpins in the bun to match those gold rimmed shades... glossy lips that smile mockingly... She looks like she's full of herself..."

As Setsuna continued her mental critique of their visitor, Ancil greeted her.

"Thank you for coming on such short notice, my lady!"

"I was under the impression that this was an emergency? You feel that there is a traitor among you? One who uses the dark arts?"

"Yes my lady. It would seem a killer is among us."

Silence hung in the air like a bad stench. The Witch looked over the squad standing before her, pacing back and forth in front of the soldiers lined up before her. Her eyes hidden behind her shades, nobody could guess what was going through her mind. She finally stopped in front of Captain Renard.

"Captain, could you take me to the body please? And would everybody else please meet me at 1500 hours in the field north of the monastery?"

Renard was quick to answer. "Yes ma'am!" He turned to face the others. Losing the softer tone he had just been using, The Captain barked orders at his men.

"OK! Make sure to have your asses in the northern field by 1500 hours! Don't care what you do 'til then! Dismissed!"

All of the squad members saluted the captain and offered a collective, "Yes sir!". As they were about to disperse, The Witch said one last thing.

"Oh yes! Would you all please be prepared for battle when you come? Thank you for the cooperation."

The Witch finished with a grin. As she turned away, a slight breeze blew by carrying a light, floral scent. The scent made Setsuna feel nostalgic.

Lavender perfume... just like Mother...

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