Chapter 6: Exhibition (Part 1)

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“Laurel Santerre!”

Laurel was already at attention when Megumi called her name. She stepped forward, her bow at the ready. Megumi was still unarmed.

“Looks like you may have a range advantage. This should be good!”

A gentle breeze started to blow, creating a rippling pattern through the dried grass. Everybody was silent in anticipation. Yelena moved between the two and rose up her right arm.

“Ready… Go!”

No sooner had Yelena lowered her arm to signal the start of the match did Laurel shoot an arrow straight towards Megumi, flying past Yelena like a bullet. Megumi narrowly sidestepped the arrow, her eyes widened as she watched the projectile speed by her. As she returned her gaze to her opponent, Megumi was shocked to see Laurel getting ready to release another two arrows at her.

Setsuna began to smirk. Let’s see her get out of that! Laurel is deadly with that bow, and she hasn’t even warmed up yet!

Laurel released the other two arrows parallel to each other. Megumi was able to dodge the two arrows with a quick step to the side, only to feel a graze on her left shoulder. The first arrow had returned and hit her!

“I see,” Megumi shouted, “you used wind manipulation to guide the arrow back to me. Impressive!”

The other two arrows also circled around back towards Megumi, one to the left and one to the right.  At the same time, Laurel proceeded to shoot another arrow towards Megumi. She was now being shot at from three sides.

“The only way to go is back.” Yelena said to Setsuna. “Laurie’s done it!”

Setsuna did not agree.

“No, not yet…”

All three arrows were headed straight for Megumi, who was dashing straight to Laurel.

“She doesn’t think that Laurie will really hit herself, does she?”

“Unlikely, but she probably will use the arrows against her.”

As the three arrows were about to pierce their target, they changed trajectory. The arrows began to circle around Megumi, who was quickly approaching Laurel.

“It’s just as I thought Yelena”


“Megumi can also control wind ether. She’s using Laurel’s technique against her.”

“No way!”

Just as Setsuna had stated, the arrows stopped circling Megumi and shot towards Laurel. Laurel quickly unsheathed a dagger she had by her side to deflect the incoming projectiles. Laurel deftly waved her dagger to block the arrows, however Megumi’s attack was perfectly timed. As Laurel was blocking the last arrow, she was open to a sweeping kick from Megumi. Laurel fell on her rear.

“And that’s it!” Yelena shouted. “Megumi wins again!”

Megumi went to give Laurel a hand up.

“You’re pretty good with that bow!And your control of wind ether is good too!”

Laurel took the hand offered to her.

“Perhaps, but you’re better.”

“I’ve just been doing this a long time. Are you hurt?”

“No. Is your shoulder OK?”

Megumi wiped the blood from her shoulder. The wound wasn’t very deep.

“I’m fine, thank you.”

Laurel grinned. “I thought so. You did let me hit you.”

Megumi looked stunned. “No, no! You really got me with that one!”

Setsuna winced. So she has wind manipulation and speed, not to mention she can control water as well. What else is she hiding? I want to know

Laurel returned to the sidelines as Megumi examined the roster again. Ready for the next round, Yelena called out the next number.

“This time, I pick number six!”

“Number six… That is Ms. Carbonneau!”

Margaret walked up to challenge Megumi. After taking a quick bow, she unsheathed her blade and the fight was on.


The exhibitions continue in part 2! What limit is there to Megumi’s ability!?

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