Chapter 8: Anxious Feelings (Part 1)

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The dinner table was already set by the time Setsuna made it to the dining hall. Only eight chairs are at the table. Seven of us plus The Witch… two people are missing. The Captain and Amelia aren’t eating with us. They’re probably taking this time alone to…


“What’s wrong?” Yelena asked.

“Oh, uhh, nothing!” Setsuna replied. “Just a stray thought!”

“Well c’mon then, let’s eat! The food looks great!”

Dinner that evening included full servings of lamb, mashed potatoes, salad, and freshly imported spring water. Under normal circumstances Setsuna would have found the meal quite delightful, but she was preoccupied.

So we break out the good food when The Witch Bitch comes... How irritating.

Megumi was the last to sit down. She smiled at George as he bought her plate to her.

Arigatou, George.”

“Certainly. Now if you would excuse me.”

George took a bow and began to leave the dining hall. Setsuna glared at him as he walked by. It’s pathetic how he kisses her ass.

“Lost in your thoughts again?”

Setsuna came to attention. Yelena was smiling at her as always.

“You always complain about the Mystery Meat, so shouldn’t you be, like, eating or something? Who knows when this’ll happen again, so enjoy it!”

Setsuna smiled, the anger she had felt dispelled by Yelena’s voice.
“Yeah, you’re right!”

The medium-rare lamb steak bled a little when Setsuna cut into it. As she closed her eyes and deeply inhaled, the various seasonings used on the steak tickled Setsuna’s nose. With a large grin on her face, Setsuna opened her eyes and began to eat. This is so good!

“Wow,” Yelena exclaimed, “I haven’t seen you look that happy in a long time!”

Setsuna held up a finger as she quickly swallowed the food in her mouth.
“Well it isn’t everyday we get to enjoy edible food you know!”

“True; I haven’t hade a meal like this in a long time…”

“Exactly, so I wanna savor this!”

With Setsuna engrossed in her meal, Yelena had a quick glance around the table. She noticed everybody enjoying the meal except for Megumi, who seemed to be staring intently at Setsuna.

“Miss Megumi, your meal will get cold if you don’t hurry and eat.”

Megumi didn’t seem to hear Yelena, so she repeated herself.

“Miss Megumi!”

“Oh, um… yes?”

“Your food will get cold if you don’t hurry and eat it. We almost never have nice meals like this in these days of famine, so you should enjoy it while its hot.”

Megumi smiled. “You’re right Miss Sergeyevna. Arigatou.”

Yelena’s eyes suddenly began to sparkle with curiosity. “Hey, umm… what does ah-ree-ga-toe mean?”

Megumi laughed. “Sorry! That’s how you say ‘thank you’ where I’m from.”

“Really? This is the first time I’ve heard it!”

Megumi tilted her head as if she were in disbelief. “Never heard it before? I would think with Setsuna being from Nushima that she’s said it at least once?” Megumi formed a smug grin. “Or is she one of those kinds of people who can’t thank others?”

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