Chapter 7: Kunoichi Duel

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Everyone stood in silence. The sounds of the faint breeze blowing and the grass it swayed were all that could be heard. Setsuna was staring Megumi dead in the eye; she would not be denied.

"...Alright," Megumi conceded, "we can fight now if you'd like, Sunshi..."

"My name is Setsuna!"

"Gomen ne!"

Setsuna saw Megumi smirk as she rose the opened tessen in front of her face, veiling all but her piercing eyes. With her blade drawn, Setsuna began to sprint towards her foe.

"Let's go!"

Megumi stood in place as Setsuna closed in on her. She must be expecting a frontal assault, Setsuna reasoned, so in that case, since the fan is in her right hand...

Setsuna made it within ten feet of Megumi before she waved her tessen. The fan made a huge gust of wind, which mowed down the unruly grass before it. The other members of the unit were forced to jump out of the projectile's way.

After launching the attack, Megumi immediately felt something coming from at her from the left. She jumped away, but not before her left shoulder was grazed; Setsuna had evaded the attack and come within striking range.

Setsuna glared down Megumi, who was holding her bleeding shoulder.

"Name n na!"

"Hehe! Guilty as charged!"

"Are you trying to piss me off!?"

Megumi shook her head in denial. "Why would I wanna do that Sun, err, Setsuna!?"

Setsuna began to scowl. She's really getting under my skin...

"You shouldn't scrunch your face up like that Sunshine. You'll wrinkle prematurely if you do!"

"If your trying to bait me, it won't work."

Setsuna glared sternly at her opponent. To her surprise, Megumi suddenly began talking seriously.

"Your fighting style. It's called Shishou-Ryuu, am I wrong?"


"You evaded my attack using Kaitenzaku, then immediately countered with Jitenzaku. Does that sound about right?"


"When I jumped out of the counterattack, you couldn't come after me because the Suzaku Kamae is meant for evading and countering, not offense. You lack the skill necessary to switch to an offensive stance such as Byakko or Seiryuu before a fast opponent such as my self can get out of your reach. Your form is flawed."

Setsuna stood with her mouth slightly agape, her eyes widened. How could she know all my moves? That... that can't be! She didn't know what to say, and she could feel her anger rising.

"Well," continued Megumi, "I don't suppose it matters anyway."

Megumi put away her fan and walked towards the others.

"I think that will do for today guys. Let's rest up and finish tomorrow."

While the others had no qualms over going inside, Setsuna was still standing in the field. Irritated by the fact that she was unable to find out more about Megumi, Setsuna thought back on their bout.

She was holding back. I KNOW she was. She just wanted to see my technique. She was watching my every move, just like she did with everyone else. She was analyzing me.


The duel has come to an end without a victor, and the mystery behind Megumi the Violet Witch grows along with Setsuna's anger.

Next chapter: Anxious Feelings. Please look forward to it!

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