Character Background: Eustis

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Name: Eustis Marquette
Age: 17
Birthday: March 18th
Birthplace: Lavande
Height:  170cm  (5'7")
Weight:  69.4 kgs (153lbs)
Blood Type: B
Favorite Food: Lamb steak
Least Favorite Food: Anything deep-fried
Likes: Quiet people, Boxing, Reading, Chess
Dislikes: Disloyal people
Greatest Desire: To be wealthy (or at least not poor)
Greatest Fear: Losing his brother
Fighting Style: Self taught
Interesting Fact: Eustis is typically much calmer than his brother; in fact, Olivier is the only loud person Eustis associates with.
Embarrassing Fact: Despite being the more "civil" brother, Eustis wants a beautiful girlfriend to prove that he can get a woman as well as his brother can.
Model: n/a

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