The date

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Edited: July 30, 2018

Before u start reading this, I'm sorry if this is a short chapter. Kinda running out of ideas and doing my best to keep the plot going. I do know that there may or may not b a twist. Any ideas r welcome if u have one.
Anti's POV
I know that I like her but y? I know that she likes me but y? I was trying to kill her!!!!!!! Ugh!!!!! Love. This is a pain in the a**. I'll figure out something. "S-so, Yn? Since we like each other, do u want to go out with me and maybe go somewhere together?" Wow. That sounded stupid. She'll probably turn u down. Dude. U sounded fine! Stop worrying about it!!!!!!!! Ik but I can't help it!!!!!! You know that I like her!
"Yes, Anti. I would love to b ur girlfriend and go out on a date with u." She smiled cutely. I tried to tell u Anti. She wouldn't turn u down. Yeah... I guess u r right.
"Um, since we r now dating, I kinda want to surprise u with the date. Don't worry about where we r going or what we r doing. Just relax and I'll do all the planning." I knew exactly what I was going to do but I couldn't tell her. I just hopes that she likes it.

~~~~~~Time skip to tonight for the date~~~~

Tonight is the night and the time to do it.  I wore this:

  I wore this:

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I already made the reservations and everything was set up

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I already made the reservations and everything was set up. Now I just have to wait on Yn. I walk through the door to see her wearing this: NOTE: IK THAT MOST PEOPLE DONT LIKE THE DRESS. YOU DONT HAVE TO WEAR IT IN THE STORY IF YOU DONT LIKE IT. YOU CAN CHANGE IT ALONG WITH COLOR OR ANYTHING ELSE!


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Wow!!! She looks beautiful!!! Well tell her that u dumbass!!!! I rolled my eyes at Seen, not really wanting to deal with his bullshit

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Wow!!! She looks beautiful!!! Well tell her that u dumbass!!!! I rolled my eyes at Seen, not really wanting to deal with his bullshit. "Wow! U look beautiful!"
"Thanks. U look handsome. Can I know where we are going?"
"No. Not yet." I walked out to the car with her and opened the door for her. She got in and we were off. I took her to (insert fancy restaurant name).
"What? U took me here?"
"Yes. But there I also more after this." I smiled at her, knowing that she is liking it so far.

~~Another time skip because author is lazy~~

We finished dinner and got back into the car. I drover her to a near by park with a clear patch, full of flowers and grass. There was a blanket payed down on the ground for us to sit down. The sun was about to go down as we sat down on the blanket.
"Thank you. For everything that u have done. This date was amazing and so are u."
"Same goes for u." We watched the sunset and gazed at the stars for a while.
"Anti, it's getting late. Shouldn't we go home?"
"Yeah. U r probably right." We went in ahead home and decided to call it a night.
So yeah. If u haven't read the AN at the top, plz go read it. It explains something and yeah. If u haven't guessed yet, I'm back!!!! Yay! And I think that's it. Bye Rainbows!!! The next chapter will hopefully b better that this one.

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