I need some advice

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So this story is still under editing but I feel like I will reach more people this way. So I was watching a video where this girl can't picture images in her head. And it made me think of how I read. I write my stories in first person because I feel like I can connect with the character better. This is how I read also. I can't image myself being the main character in a book if it is not in first person. It is like I'm watching everything play out or I'm a ghost in the background watching everything play out. I can't feel what the character feels. Does anyone else have this problem or is only me? If so, have you figured out a way to cope with this or solve it? I just need to get this out there and does anyone get this problem where they have words in their head but can't form them into sentences or put them on a page or message? Sorry. I'm trying to figure all this out and ugh! I don't know any more. Listen. I'm sorry. I just don't know what I want to say right now and I'm trying to put these words in my head on to here. I swear I need some help sometimes. If you have read this far, I congratulate you and you can stop reading now. I'm kinda ranting and not ranting. More or less getting some of my emotions out because I bottle them up. Yes I know that is not healthy but writing stuff like this helps a little.

Antisepticeye X reader जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें