Finally Free!

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Before I start, there will b a sequel but I'm still debating on if I'm going to do a truth or dare or not. Oh welp. Keep and eye out for the sequel and I'll announce when it is out and what's it called. That's it. For now...

Yn's POV
After a couple hours of searching, we finally found an exit! YES!!!!! We hurried out of the place before anything else that was bad could happen. "Hey Anti?"
"Yeah Yn?"
"Do u want to have a child?"
"yeah I would to have one but I'm was worried about u and how u felt about it so I didn't ask. But now that I know that u want a child, so I would like to have one."
I smiled at his response. 'Maybe we could have a child together.' It was a thought none the less but there was always that chance that it wouldn't work out. If that does happen to happen, we can make it work. I know that we can.
I snapped out of my thoughts when someone started snapping on front of my face. "Hello yn? Earth to Yn?" I recognized the voice almost instantly. Séan.
"Yeah. I'm here. Sorry about that. Was into my own thoughts."
"Oh. That's fine. Google found an exit and we need to hurry. I and everyone else can hear Dark and the others coming."
"Oh." We caught up with the others and they were waiting for us. The looked at us like they were trying to ask us if we were ready to get out of this place. I nodded my head and we hurried out.
I took a breath of the fresh air. Hadn't had any in a while because when u r locked in a cage, u really don't get a lot of fresh air unless a door happens to b open or they let u go outside which is NEVER.
We walked over to a nearby park and sat down on a bench, Google, Mark, and Light sitting on the ground. We sat there for a while, just thinking about what had happened and Google, Mark, and Anti trying to recall what they did when they weren't themselves. I honestly started to think about why, out of all things that I could hit them with, I hit them with an anvil.
After a while some of us got bored, myself included and got up. I ran over to the swings and started to swing on it of course.

I'm sorry that I'm leaving it off there but I'm going to finish the story off in the next part. Also I need y'alls help on what to call the sequel because I'm stuck on what to call it. Sorry but that there will only be one more part to this story and I'm actually not abbreviating because I want to make this chapter and the next chapter longer because I'm running out of ideas as I write. I'm sorry!!!! That doesn't mean that I don't want the previous chapters to be short or anything. Ideas just come easier at the beginning than at the end. Sorry! And I'll see u in the last chapter. Byes!!!!

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