Finding her

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Edited: September 14, 2018

The nightmare before Christmas anyone? Also I will be adding a new character based off of my friend. Her name is Calliope Hudson and she has the power of mind control. She's a demon and has a crush on Mark. Her smoke color that she uses to teleport, yes in this story if u r a demon u can teleport. Get over it! It is a violet or purple color. Also thanks for 101 followers. Y'all r amazing!!! Let me know if I should do something because I feel like I should. No face reveal. Sorry! Anyway. On with the story now!
Anti's POV
After talking to everyone, we got a message considering Glitch came through the computer and told is some information. It was sudden but no one said a word about it. He told us that Wilford has Yn and if we want her to surrender but that isn't going to happen. Frowning, I told him to fuck off and he left with a shrug and a laugh. Bitch. Now that we have some information, we need to find Yn. Who knows how long that might take even with the information we have. I have an idea on where she is at but I'm not for sure. While thinking, a girl demon walked up to me and introduced herself. She said her name was Calliope and shortly after that we became friends. She seemed pretty nice but was definitely not my type. I learned that she has a crush on Mark and I may be able to help her get together with him. Hehehe. I'll work on that later. For right now, I have to work on rescuing Yn.
Calliope's POV
I looked over at Anti and saw that he was deep in thought. After I decided I should stop staring at him, I got up and walked over to Mark. I really hope that Anti didn't tell Mark that I have a crush on him (not Anti!), that would b embarrassing!!! I need to tell him sooner or late but not right now. I need to help Anti rescue this Yn girl. No idea who it is but they must have a thing with each other. "Hey Mark?"
"Can I talk to u? Alone?"
"Uh.... Yeah. Where?"
"In the bedroom. (GET UR HEAD OUT OF THE GUTTER SINNERS! I sorry. I have a dirty mind too!)"
"Alright." I walk to the bedroom and wait for him. He comes in a minute later. "Ok. What did u want to ask me?"
"Do u like anyone?"
"Yeah..." He looks down at the ground, face turning a little red.
"Oh? What do they look like?"
"They r beautiful. She has violet hair with bright green eyes that sparkle when she smiles!"
"O-oh. She must b very beautiful." I look down at the ground, a little sad that he likes that girl and not me. "That was all." I get up and feel a hand wrap around my wrist. I turn around and see that it is Mark.
"That girl I was talking about is u. I like u."
"I like u too. That's y I asked. Let's get back to Anti."

Time skip to where y'all have a plan and know it because I'm too lazy to figure one out

Anti's POV
We reach Wilford's lair and go to rescue Yn. I replay the plan in my mind and I'm ready. Google and Mark will distract Glitch while I head downstairs along with everyone else. If they yell the rest will run up while I rescue Yn. We run down the stairs to fund Yn in a cell tied up.
Will Anti rescue u? Will u b alright? What will happen? Find out in the next chapter. I'm sorry that this took so long but I had to get a name from my friend. Again sorry that it took so long and as always, if u want anything specific to happen, let me know and I'll see what I can do. Now I have to go work on a X reader request. Bye!!!!

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