Chapter Twenty

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There's a sound, it's very loud and makes almost make my eardrums explode.

I sat up right away and looked around.

"Where am I, who am I?" I asked myself with a messed up face and a sleepy tone.

"Move! move! move!" The man shouted. He makes me so nervous and afraid, i can tell the others were too.

Once we have done clarning ourselves, we walked to the hall and saw the boys already in ready position there. They were standing so manly and-- the hell am i talking about?

We gathered with them and looked to the front.

"We will go to have the breakfast first and do the activities that i've planned for you guys" he said with a creepy smile. Like a smile that wants to torture us later.

Sei and I ate together because boys and girls need to be separate, but still we can see each other from here.

We were eating, but then Sei got a message from someone, makes her looked on her left and smiled while waving her hand.

I was weird and looked at the same way she was.

My heart broken into pieces when she waved at Jungkook and what's worst Jungkook did the same thing.

i accidentally saw her phone, which has the message on the screen.

Look on your left

It's simple and short but enough to make me disappointed.

We gathered again and stood like before, waiting for his orders.

As i said i have a lot of activities. As examples, u will swim in the mud"

We were shocked, really shocked because we dont know this kind of activity will be play on.

"Catch fishes with your own hands" He continued as we still we our terrified expressions.

"Stay with kinds of insects and else" he smiled again.

But, the plan was ruined because of the weather.

The sky was getting darker and soon it's raining after several times the lightning showed up. 

"Looks like your plan has failed" A teacher said to him.

He still unsatisfied and looked at us.
"If all of u run in the mud now, we will have a feast" he smiled. "I repeat, all of you"

"That's cruel but yeah!" a boy shouted and he's the first one to run.

The other followed after him, leaving Sei, me and a few others behind.

"You and me, okay?" i smiled and hold her hand tight. She nodded and can't wait to go but someone spoiled as he breaks our grips.

"Yah!" I shouted at him, Jungkook.

"She will go with me, you can go first" Jungkook said without looking at me.

Is she more important than me? why can't u look at me in the eye? it's been a long time bit he still can't accept the whole thing.

I cried, and yes he saw me when i was about to go but he just wore his poker face on and looked at me running in the rain.

The other cheered up for me from in front the building, under the roof so they wont get wet anymore. I finished it and someone hold me from tripping.

"It's you" I laughed a bit and catched my breath.

Hoseok smiled and looked to the front, where Sei and Jungkook were walking together in the rain. He even gave his cap for Sei to wear it.

I closed my eyes and faced Hoseok.

"Let's get inside" He smiled and accompanied me while giving me a side hug.

We went to the store to warm ourselves, it fills with basketballs and else makes me realised it's an auditorium.

I was hugging my legs, because it's still cold.

"You look hot" Hoseok laughed.

"Nonsense. Sei is hotter" i scoffed while smiling.

"Dont involves her" He sighed and was squatting in front of me.

He lifted my chin up and makes me looked at him.

"I can't hold it. You are too beautiful, having u just as my bestfriend is not enough"


Why can't I be the heroine TT. JHOPEEEEE

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