Chapter 1

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Bobby's POV
I saw jack on the opposite street of jerry's house, god he's gotten even more beautiful than when I left, I walked up to him putting my hand on his shoulder saying "hey, you alright man" jack nodded "you know I love you right" jack nodded again, I turn him to face jerry's house and we walk towards the house. Jerry greeted us as we walked to the door "hey man, long time no see" said jerry smirking I said "yeah man you know I've just been around, ya know here and there" laughing jerry responded "O yeah, when did you get out of jail this time" we all laughed including jack as I slapped him on the chest and walked inside of the house. Jack and I where saying hi to our nieces when green and fowler walked to us, later me, jack and jerry were leaving to go to ma's house on the way there I couldn't help but notice that jack look like something was wrong and his hand was trembling a little but I passed it on as he could just be cold and still thinking about ma, we got home and we where all surprised to see Angel inside waiting for us, we all got settled in our rooms me taking ma's room and jack jerry and angel taking there old rooms. After I stopped crying I get out of ma's room to go down stairs, but stop near jack's room as I hear him play on he's guitar he was always good on it and he voice is wonderful I open his door and go sit on the floor leaning on the bed he asked me if it was too weird in ma's room, I answered yes then jerry came and leaned on the door way saying that he was gonna get the turkey so we can celebrate thanksgiving, suddenly angel was headed down stairs but stoped and also came to jack's room, I knew that he was gonna go see sofi or as I like to call her "La Vida Loca" I told him that she was dating someone else and wasn't thinking about him at all but he didn't listen and went to see her anyway before jerry walked away he said that someone named Steven will be coming over later to jack then left he must be a friend of jack's, I don't know why but I got the feeling of jealousy just thinking about this guy. La Vida Loca and I started fighting again when the door rang I went and answered it to see green and some guy I didn't recognized "hey green haven't seen you since this morning whats up, and who's this" I say the guy puts his hand forward while saying "hi i'm Steven, you must be bobby jack's told me a lot about you" I put a small smile on my face and shake his hand "hi you must me jack's friend" I said, this Steven guy shakes his head saying "uh no, I'm his uh..his boyfriend" "boyfriend" I repeated shocked as jack came from behind me and told Steven to come in, "hey Jack I actually came to talk to you real quick in private if you don't mind." Green finally spoke nodding jack told him to come in and I step aside letting him in.
Third person POV
Jack and green went into the kitchen, as Jack closed the kitchen door he turned to face green " so what did you want to talk about green" green smiled sadly at jack saying "Jack I've know you since before you became a mercer, and I don't get mad but I've noticed that you aren't as happy as you want people to believe you are, I want you to know that you can tell me if something's wrong." Jack nodded taking a deep breath and said "honestly green I don't know wants going on it's just complicated between me and Steven right now." Green nodded he walked to jack putting an his hand on jack's shoulder and said "remember, you have my number call me if something bad happens or if it gets to out of hand" green then pulled jack into a hug, before walking out of the kitchen his hand froze just touching the kitchen door and turned to face jack saying "I care about you jack and don't tell bobby this but your my best friend man, I don't wanna see you hurt" jack and green both laughed at at the comment about jack actually being greens best friend instead of bobby. Jack walked out of the kitchen and Steven rapped his hands around jacks thin body and kissed him biting jack's bottom lip painfully, but Jack couldn't let it show since jerry and bobby were there and sofi and angel were upstairs, when Steven and jack stopped kissing Jack noticed that bobby looked pissed and stormed out of the living room, Jack signed and followed Bobby to see what was wrong.

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