Chapter: 3

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                           Bobby's POV
I laid jack on his bed when we got home, as I look down at him I ran my hand on his soft hair to get it out of his eyes, I then hear a the door open and I see that it's Steven "hey is he okay?" He asked as he sat next to jack on the bed, I try not to sneer at him and just say "well nothing looks broken so that must be good" then I went and sat on the left side of jack's bed since Steven sat on the right side of jack's bed, all of a sudden Steven spoken "so, uh, do you hate me because, I'm with jack in a romantic way?" I badly wanted to say yes, that I hated him, that I wanted him to get out of ma's house and leave jack alone, but for Jack's sake I just say "uh no, I'm just really protective of jack because he's been in some bad relationships with some foster parents and I just want him to be safe" Steven just nodded, but I know he didn't understand, cause if he did he would leave. After 40 minutes I suddenly he a soft moan, my head snapped towards Jack's direction, as did Stevens's and we both saw Jack's eyes flutter open and I just wanted to hug him while never letting go, reassuring him that his gonna be okay and that nothing bad is gonna happen to him, but sadly Steven beat me to it hugging him and kissing him as he said "O baby thank god, I was so worried about you" couldn't take it anymore, I couldn't take the sight of them together so I left.
Jack's POV
I open my eyes and I see that Im on my bed, all of a sudden My head starts hurting and I moan in pain and suddenly I feel someone's arms around me and kiss me, I knew it was Steven but I can't help but wish it was bobby that was kissing me, a few minutes after bobby left Steven and I stop kissing and I go down stairs, into the living room where Angel, sofi, and bobby were watching tv, when sofi saw me she quickly got up and walked towards me hugging me tightly said "aw jack thank goodness your okay" I try to ignore the pain, bobby got up from his seat saying "damn La Vida Loca stop hugging him so tight, geez, with how skinny he is you hug him any tighter and he'll fucking break" sofi let go of me a turned towards bobby and said "o largas bobby, ¡eres tan molesto" I laughed a little cause I took Spanish in high school so I knew that she told bobby to fuck off and how annoying he was. Bobby came to me and hugged me the hug felt like it lasted long, when he pulled back he said "so uh, tomorrow we are gonna go to the store were ma was killed and see the tape, to see if we can recognize the shooters or see if the manager knows anything or if you don't feel good we can go another time" I just shook my head "no it's fine we can go tomorrow" I said and we all went to sleep a few hours later after watching tv.
*The Next Day*
Angel, bobby and I waited for jerry outside of the store were ma was killed, I honestly didn't want to be here, I mean this is were ma was killed after all. After a few minutes jerry finally arrived and we went in, the tape was hard to watch, I was trying to hold back the tears, but watching ma get shot I couldn't handle it I let the tears fall and a small sob comes out, walk out of the store after that bobby comes after me and pulled me into a hug and said "sshh it's okay, sshh" as he rubbed my back. We went to the basketball game and found the kid we were looking for, after he told us were to find his brother, but jerry had to leave we went to find this Damian guy ourselves.

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