Chapter: 11

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                           Bobby's POV
We took the camera with us along with some of the shooters guns, when we got home jack and I were looking at the rest of the photos in the camera while angel was with sofi upstairs, there wasn't much to look at they were all pictures of ma and her lawyer jack leaned in and said "hey, you don't think you there was something going on between ma and the lawyer guy, do you" I looked at him "I don't know crackerjack but we can sneak into his house tonight and see what we can find out about what was going on" I said, jack nodded then smiled and looked straight through me, when I turned to see who he was smiling at I saw steven and scowled when he walked towards us and put his arms around jack and kissed his cheek I wanted to punch him in the face and I still haven't forgotten what he said about jack or what green told me about him "hey bobby, so how's it going with finding this sweet guy" steven said to me, I try to keep the anger out of my voice and say "it's good we're almost close to finding him aren't we jackie" I said and noticed that steven's grip on jack's shoulder tightened when I called jack 'jackie' I also noticed jack looking a bit uncomfortable and sad. Later when it was 8 o'clock I went downstairs to see jack already there saying bye to steven and angel leaning on the door way of the kitchen since we were going out through the kitchen, as we were about to go through the kitchen sofi stopped us and said "Angel where are you going? I thought we planned a special dinner together, which I spent hours working on in the kitchen" "Ah she's breaking my corazon chicka" sofi looked annoyingly at me said "cállate" in a angry voice and walked past me going upstairs, I look at angel and say "she's getting really comfortable here. What are you doing? I thought you were some kinda macho man, its sad that little Jackie is the only one down to go, say goodbye to your big sister jack lets go" and go outside and hear jack say "she's addicted to what angel's dick did" and see that angel was following jack out to my car. We got to the lawyers hoouse and saw that it was locked,obviously, and the windows were closed "well looks like we have to break in, who knows how to unlock the door with out a key" then jack stepped forward, and bent down on his knees and picked at the lock with a paperclip, I was looking at him as he was doing that and my eyes Landed on his ass, a minute later I herd a click sound and saw that the door opened "damn crakerjack, good job" I said, when we went in the house a dog came towards us, I picked the dog up and said "Hey pootchie are you gonna bite me baby" we go over to the laptop on the desk and jack hackes in it and we see that there are email from ma to him talking to each other, the dog in my hards starts sniffing jack then licking his cheek, the dog was adorable, suddenly jack, angel, and I herd a car horn and someone yelling "ANGEL I KNOW YOUR IN THERE, PEOPLE THERE'S ROBBERS IN THE HOUSE" I sigh in frustration and say "There's your girlfriend" after I say that jack says "go shut her up then" as angel walks towards the door he turns to jack and I saying "y'all come with me she's crazy." We walk to the door, but before I go outside I put the dog down and leave as angel and sofi were yelling at each other I see jack petting the dog when the dog was tugging at the bottom of his jeans, when jack came outside another car came in the driveway and they saw that it was the lawyer that was in the car, I walked towards the car and said "hey buddy get your ass out here" I open his car door and pulled him of his car roughly and make him fall on the snow polls, I pull his shirt over his head andslapped his stomach saying "you lied to me, you said you haven't talked to my mother once" he said "I'm sorry I just felt guilty" jerry came next to me and said "guilty, for what" the lawyer got up and replied "before your mom passed we were seeing each other socially" then he looks at me and says "I have some of her night things if you want them back" I  say "no no you keep them, I'm sorry I'm just trying to figure out what happened to my mother, your house was lovely, we broke your back door, sorry" and we all leave jerry and jack with me in my car and angel with sofi in her car, and my guess is their probably fighting yelling at each other. I dropped jerry off at his house then drove home, as we went inside we didn't hear sofi and angel fighting or haveing sex so I guess they made up and went to sleep, I walked over to jack who was in the kitchen drinking water when he was done he put his water bottle back in the frigde, after a few seconds of silence I said "so that dog really seemed to like you" jack just smiled and nodded "uh yeah the dog must have smelled my friends dog on my shirt since I forgot to wash it before I came here" "O so your a dog lover" I asked jack nodded saying " uh, yeah I guess I am" I smiled and asked "so do you have a dog?" Jack looked at me saying "uh no, I wanted to get one, but steven didn't so we didn't get a dog" I nodded "O is he allergic" I asked "uh no, he just doesn't like dogs" jack replied, after that jack was about to say something but was interrupted by steven saying "hey there you are, I was starting to worry about you" as he hugged jack, I rolled my eyes and steven apparently saw me and he told jack "hey jack why don't you go upstairs and wait for me, I need to talk to bobby" jack looked worried then said "uh okay" but I stopped him as he passed me and said "no jack you don't have to go" and gave steven a dirty look and said "you can't just tell him what to do, he's the one that lives here not you so don't fucking think that you can boss him around here" I was starting to get really pissed now and walked over to him, but jack stopped me saying "bobby stop, it's fine okay, I'll go" after jack left I got in steven's face a said "okay look you fucking son of a bitch I don't know what's going on with you but you do not have the right to tell jack what to do" steven just got angry and instead of hitting me or threatening me he just said "O, I just wanted him gone so I can this, I see the way you look at him and I want you to now that he's mine, so back the fuck off" in a low voice, I just lost it and pushed him hard against the wall and said in a low threatening voice "listen to me you fucking asshole if you even look at him the wrong way I'll kill you, so why don't you just get lost" steven looked at the ground then looked at me "I'll get lost when, I got out of jack form fucking him so hard that he won't be able to walk right for a week" I saw red and just lost it, I grabbed his shirt collar and made his head hit the wall and pushed him down "you fucking asshole" I said with venom in my voice, got down on my knees and started punching him hard in the face and I didn't stop, steven tried to punch me and he did get a few punches in but my punches were stronger I punched his in the nose and saw that blood was was pouring out of his nose and some of it was on my hands, I was about to punch him again when I felt hands on me pulling me away from steven and saw jack run to him "bobby what the fuck is wrong with you" angel said "uh angel could you help steven go upstairs I'll be there soon I just need to talk to bobby for a minute" angel nodded and helped steven go upstairs and into the bathroom.

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