Chapter: 8

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Bobby's POV
I herd a soft moan and looked up to see jack sitting up, I quickly get up from my chair and hug him "O thank god jackie you had me so worried, are you okay, w-why was your head bleeding a little." Jack looked at me and said "I uh, I tripped and fell and uh, I guess I hit my head" I nodded not saying anything, I was just so glad that he was okay and awake. I walked down the stairs and saw the door open only to reveal steven come in, I looked at him crossing my arms "where the hell were you" I say, steven looks at me with a plain look on his face and says "I was hanging out with some of my friends that live around here" I nodded "O so you were hanging out having fun with your friends when your boyfriend basically fucking collapsed" steven looked at me and just shrugged saying "O well is he okay now" him saying that just got me angrier and I said "are you fucking kidding me, jack got hurt and all you say is 'o well is he okay now' what the hell, you don't even care if he's okay or not" steven walked closer to me and says "why don't you just back off, okay cause this is none of your business, jack is my boyfriend not yours so back the fuck off, and it's not like your missing out on anything, cause he's really bad at satisfying me if you know what I mean" I couldn't take it anymore, I snapped and punched him in face yelling "YOU FUCKING BASTARD IF YOU EVER TALK ABOUT JACK LIKE THAT AGAIN I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU" Steven just smiled at me evilly "O and who do you think Jack's believe when I tell him you threatened me uh, for no reason" I just punched him again and he tackled me to the ground and fought with each other, he punched me, I punched him, I got a few kicks and punches in before I was pulled off him and herd a voice say "stop it guys what the fuck" I look up and jack immediately I got up and said "Jack what are you doing up, you should be resting." He looked at me "I'm fine bobby, okay, now what's going on" I shook my head "nothing jack okay, you don't need to worry about it, now go back upstairs okay" I didn't want him to worry about what was going on and from what I herd steven say about him I definitely didn't want him in the same room as him "it's fine jack alright, I promise you it is, just go upstairs" steven looked at me and said "O shut the fuck up, don't tell him what to do" I was about to punch him in the face when jack came in between us stopping me from getting to close to him "please bobby stop" jack said looking at me then Steven put his arm around jack's shoulder saying "yeah man, relax" with a smug smile and pulls jack with his going upstairs stairs. I was walking up stairs when I herd noises from jack's room as I walked past it I hear moaning and the bed squeaking, tears fell out of my eyes, I wanted nothing more to stop them, to interrupt them, when all of a sudden I here jack moaning and breathing "o god" as I hear that my knees get wobbly and my jeans felt a little tight, I looked down and saw that I had a boner, I quickly went into my room a.k.a ma's room and lie on the bed and pull down on my pants slowly and pull my hard dick out, I start stroking it gently then a little faster and faster and I start getting the picture of jack in my mind and that makes me moan as I keep going and soon I cum hard and moan out "Jack" I feel the cum on my hand and soon hear a knock on my door, so I pull up my pants and open it revealing jack "hey, jack what do you want?" Jack looked at me and said "uh, nothing uh, I just herd you uh, say my name and I uh, wanted to see if you were okay" I nod and say "uh yeah, I'm fine it's nothing I just uhh, I felt really bad that for the past few years I never came to visit you or ma and when I did visit her she told me that you moved out and I never got you address or were you moved and I'm just really sorry jackie" I say jack looked at me with sympathy and hugs me saying "bobby it's okay, it's totally fine" he rubs my back, he pulls back and I say "Uh do you want to uh, go to for a walk and actually catchup with each other" jack nodded and I grabbed my jacket and we were about to head down the stairs when steven walked out of jack's room in front of us "jack were are you going" he said crossing his arms jack was about to say where we were going I say "we're just going to for a walk okay so just leave him alone, alright god do you always want to keep him on a short leash." Steven stepped closer to me and said "yeah well at least I didn't promise to protect him and then left him without a goodbye" "steven" jack yelled to make him stop and we left. Jack and I were walking in the park and I couldn't help but ask "Jack, are you happy" he looked at me, then back to the ground and said "yeah why, why wouldn't I be" jack looked like he was hiding something I wanted to ask him what was wrong, but, then it started snowing again adding more to the snow on the ground, I smiled thinking of the perfect way to cheer him up, I threw a snowball at him like I did when we were younger and he was having a bad day and it was snowing he threw one back at me, we laughed and played, it felt just like old times. Then green called me with the news on Steven.
Terrence greens POV
Ever since bobby told me to do a background check on Steven and what I found scared the shit out of me apparently this steven guy was abusive in his last 3 relationships and also accused of raped and murder fowler looked at me as I was writing steven's files "what are you doing?" He asked, I looked at him saying "just looking at this steven guys files" fowler nodded "The guy that the little mercer boy is dating?" I nod "yea, but I'm done now and I'm gonna see the security tape from when Evelyn was here" fowler nodded and left as I look at the tape I see evelyn talking to the cop at the front desk and then I see fowler walk up to them and talk to her then leave, I was going to go find fowler and ask him why he didn't tell me that he talked to evelyn before she was murdered but I decided that that I do it when I see him later I called booby and told him that I had news on steven, then he told me that he was out and that I should go to over to the house and wait for him, I reach the mercer house and knock on the door angel answered and let me in when I said that I needed to talk to bobby, a few minutes later bobby and jack come into the house and I walked up to them "bobby I got the information you wanted and uh it's not good" bobby nodded and told jack to come with us, Steven came downstairs and rapped his arms around jack in a hug and I saw that jack wasn't smiling and he wasn't even comfortable in steven's arms, Steven saw me and smiled "hey green it's good to see you again, if you two don't mind I'm gonna steal jack away now" I see the way bobby glares at steven, if looks could kill steven would be dead by now, bobby and I sit on the coach in the living room and I tell him what I found out about steven and The next thing i knew bobby flipped the coffee table over and went over to the wall punching it and his fist went through the wall, I went over to him and saw that his hand was bleeding, jack came running in the living room with steven behind him to see what was going on "what happened, bobby your hands bleeding come on I'll take you to the hospital" after bobby and jack leave I leave as well.

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