Chapter: 17

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Bobby's POV
At 10' clock we all decided to go to sleep, when I got to my room I couldn't sleep I kept thinking about jack, suddenly I herd a scream, I ran to where it came from and apparently angel herd it too, when I opened the door I saw red, jack was crying telling steven to stop while steven was on top of him RAPING him, I stormed in grabbing steven by the shoulder and roughly pulled him away from jack, jack screamed in pain and I immediately felt bad knowing I caused jack even more pain then he was already in angel went to jack hugging him, trying to calm him down, as I pushed steven outside of the room jerry walked outside of his bedroom and asked "what's going on?" "JERRY CALL THE COPS THIS BASTARD HERE THINKS HE CAN ABUSE AND RAPE OUR BABY BROTHER WITHOUT US NEVER FINDING OUT!" I yelled, jerry went back to the bedroom and called the cops on his phone while I pushed steven down the stairs as he got up I walked downstairs and punched him in the face, "YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE IF YOU EVER LAY A FUCKING HARN ON JACK I'LL KILL YOU, YOU UNDERSTAND ME!" I yelled then punched him in the stomach making him crouch down putting an arm around his stomach moaning in pain "YOU LIKE THAT HUH CAUSING JACK PAIN HURTING HIM TREATING HIM LIKE NOTHING" I continued to kick and punch him "BOBBY STOP MAN, WE GOT IT FROM HERE" I herd someone yell and pull me away from steven, I turned around to see that it was green, then I saw a cop pull steven up cuff him and take him away, "now do you wanna tell what happened?" Green asked, I sighed "I herd screaming coming from jack's room and when I went to check it out I saw jack crying while steven was raping him, and I just lost it, and you know what I don't fucking regret cause that fucker deserved it." Green nodded "okay bobby, I'll take care of it from here, why don't you go check on jack okay I got this now." I nodded and left, I went back upstairs and saw angel still hugging a crying jack while rubbing his back "angel can you go downstairs green's here and I got it from here" angel nodded and unwrapped his hands around jack and left, jack leaned against the wall and brought his knees close to his chest, I walked towards him and kneed down, I rapped my arms around him slowly so I don't scare him, seeing jack really breaks my heart and form this moment on I made a vow to myself that I well never let jack get this badly hurt or just hurt ever again "please, please don't hurt me" jack sobbed, hearing that, just broke me did jack really think I would hurt him "sshh jack it's okay he's not gonna hurt you anymore I won't let him" I say then I say "jack look at me" jack lifted his up and looked at me "sweetheart I well never hurt you, I love you so much" I continued, I then leaned closer to jack and, I slowly capture his beautiful lips and kiss him, I then pull back and wipe away a tear on his cheek "jack can I ask you a question" I ask, jack shyly nodded "why did you say that I didn't mean it when I said I was in love with you back at the hospital, what did you even mean when you said that you aren't worthy of anyone's love?" I asked "b-because I was abused and raped my entire life and whenever i'm in a relationship w-with someone they would just want me for sex, they never really loved me" jack said as more tears fell down on his cheeks "jack I would never do that to you, I love you and I would never force you into doing anything you don't want to do, please believe me when I say that I love you with all my heart" and kiss his forehead, putting my chin on top of his head "I-I love you too" I heard jack say in a quiet voice, I looked at him with a smile on my face as he said "bobby I love you to, but I didn't say anything cause I thought you would hate me" I kissed jack again on the lips "babe are you to sore to walk to the bed?" I asked and jack nodded, I gently pick him up bridle style or fireman style whatever it's called, and pull him on the bed then climb on the bed next to him cuddling with him.
*The Next Morning*
The next morning angel, jerry, jack and I went back to ma's house to fix the damage done to it during the shooting, angel was fixing the window while jack and jerry where fixing the brick wall on the bottom of where angel was working, "well this one's done" angel said when he was done putting the window on the frame, then I herd Camille and Sofi walk out of the house standing by the door frame "okay come on you two that's enough working for now" Camille said "yeah especially you jack" added sofi, "come on girls lunch is ready" said jerry as he and Camille went inside, angel kiss sofi then they both went in as well, I stopped cutting the wood on the power saw and looked at jack seeing him walk to the house then stop on the front porch, suddenly I felt something hit the back of my shoe, I turned around and saw that it was the hockey puck that the kids were playing with I picked it up and handed it to the boy and he asked "so mr. Evelyn's not coming back?" I replied "no, she's not" "because, she's did" said the boy and the little girl next to him hit his arm saying "shut up" I nodded "yeah, you kids be careful, play safe alright." I turned around and saw ma "oh bobby, you planning on sticking around this time" I smiled and looked at jack who smiled back at me "yeah thinkin about it ma" she then looked at jack then back at me as she said "be good to him bobby, treat him well" my smile widened "I well ma, I promise" then when she disappeared I walked towards jack and kissed him "I love you jack" jack smiled "I love you too bobby" I put my arm around his waist and we walked into the house and joined the others eating lunch.
Hey guys so this is the end of the story but if you liked this one then I hope you'll like the sequel i'm making.

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