Chapter: 6

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                                Jack's POV
When jerry left the bowling alley bobby, Angel Steven, and I walked towards evan, but when bobby started talking to evan, steven dragged me by my wrist, the one with the cuts on it and the touch made them sting badly, when we stopped steven looked at me with anger in his eyes and he started to yell "what the fuck were you and bobby doing huh!" In a whispered tone so that no one especially my brothers could hear with confusion I say "steven I don't know what your talking about" if anything that got him angrier and he whisper yelled "don't you lie to me bitch, I saw him try to kiss you, so what are you in love with him" trying to hold back the tears I say "babe, please calm I swear it was nothing" steven shook his head not believing me "jack I am gonna fucking ask you again and this time I want the fucking truth, do you love him" a single tear escapes from my eye and I look at the floor, I hear steven sigh and snap at saying "o my god, your fucking sick you stupid bitch, he's your brother and do you really think he's going to love you when he finds out, if anything he's gonna be discussed by you" more tears run down my cheeks as he tells me this, I try to go outside to get some air and to stop myself from crying, but steven grabs my wrist and slaps me telling me to stop crying like a little bitch and slaps me, the next I know is that bobby punched in the face and steven yelled at bobby as he got up off the floor and punched bobby back in the face, and I saw that bobby was about to punch so I stopped him by grabbing his wrist but bobby was to angry to stop and punched me in the face with his other fist, all I could feel was pain in my face, then I felt Steven's hands on me, but instead of feeling more pain he lifted me up off the floor and helped me up lead me outside to the car with bobby and angel ahead of us walking to the car. We got home and angel was stopped by sofi giving him a long passionate kiss and they quickly made their way upstairs to go have sex and steven went to go to sleep and bobby I think was asleep as well, I quietly made my way to the bathroom to see how bad the bruise on my check and wrist or if I had a black eye, as I look in the mirror I herd someone clear their throat, when I turn around I see bobby with a sad look on his face, he walked to me and put his hand on my chin moving my head to the right to see that I had a black eye, the sad expression on his face soon turned to a shocked expression and tears threatened to fall, he then pulled me into a bone crushing huge while saying "I'm sorry, I'm so sorry jackie I never meant to hit you I swear, was angry and when you stopped me I wasn't paying attention, please jack you have to believe me, please" as he was sobbing too, his tears straining my shirt and I couldn't believe it my brother, bobby mercer, the Michigan mauler, was crying, begging for my forgiveness "bobby it's okay, okay, it's okay I forgive you okay" bobby lets go of me after a while and looks nervous as he's about to say something, but gets interrupted by sofi when she walked into the bathroom.
Bobby's POV
I was about to tell jack how I really felt about him after I cried my eyes out begging him to forgive me, when sofi walked in not knowing we were in here, I turn to her said "damn loca what are you doing here, just barging in, what if I was naked" sofi just stares at me and says "ew, like anyone would want to see you naked bobby, if jack saw you he'd be confused thinking their suppose to be that small" I couldn't believe la vida loca just called me small, if anything I am big that jack wouldn't be able to take all of me in, in one thrust, I smirk at sofi saying "O please la vida I am big, I am so big that if jackie here saw me he would think any other dick that he saw was small as fuck" sofi looked at me like I was joking and said "jaja buena broma maldito mentiroso" in Spanish (haha nice joke you fucking liar) and since I didn't know what that fucking meant I just said "O shut up loca" sofi was about say something when jacks stepped in saying "Sofi calmarse bien que no merece la ira, bien Sólo ignorarlo." (Sofi calm down okay he's not worth the anger, alright just ignore him) as sofi nodded she smiled and walked away leave me and jack alone again in the bathroom, I didn't even know that jack could speak Spanish, but I got to admit his sounded sexy, I was about to try to tell jack how I feel about him again, but he told me that he was tired and went back to his bedroom, I sighed wanted to tell him but I was kind of glad that sofi interrupted us cause I was so nervous about what his reaction would be, but I knew that I had had to. The next day I woke up to a loud smash of a plate, I quickly got out the bed and practically ran down the stairs and walked to the kitchen slowly when I hear someone say "hey, watch it" in a pissed off tone, when I got to the kitchens door frame I see jack on his knees on the floor picking up pieces of a broken plate off the floor with Steven beside him not helping at all, swallowing the anger down and ask "hey, what happened?" Jack looked up at me, he starts to say something but was cut of by Steven who said "it's nothing you have to worry about man, I just scared jack a little by hugging him from behind and that made him drop the plate." As Steven finished talking jack let out a little yip in pain, hearing that I look at him and saw that he was holding his finger that was bleeding, I quickly kneel in front of him taking his bleeding finger to see how bad it was, there was too much blood so I lead jack to the sink and rinse it only to see its a deep cut, I look at him and say "sorry jackie looks like you need stitches" jack nods, steven says "come on I'm sure it's not that bad" unbelievable I cant fucking believe he said that, instead of saying something that would cause a fight I tell jack to get in the car in a calm voice ignoring steven who walked behind me and drove to the hospital. Jack apparently needed eight stitches, when the nurse was rapping Jack's stitched up finger in a gauze I noticed that he looked nervous like he was hiding something and he didn't want the nurse to find out, I turned to steven and he looked pissed, I walked to him and lean against the wall saying "so what's your problem, huh?" Steven looked at me confused and asked "what are you talking about" taking a deep breath I say "don't fucking act like you don't know what I'm talking about, I'm talking about how you didn't want jack to come to hospital, when he's finger was gushing out blood" steven was about to answer when jack came out of the room following behind the nurse that stitched his finger, the nurse just said that jack can't put pressure on his finger and that since the cut was still fresh it's gonna bleed through the gauze so he had to change it every 2 hours for a week.

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