Chapter: 13

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Bobby's POV
I waited for jack downstairs by the front door as he was getting ready, I was really nervous, I was finally gonna tell jack how I feel, I kept going over what I was gonna say in my head when I herd someone ask "are you okay?" I turned to see that it was jack who asked, I smiled and said "uh yeah, why" jack just shrugged saying "I don't know, you just seem nervous" I smiled and walked over to him pulling him closer to me by his shoulder, I saw that he was wearing his black sweatshirt and black deniem jeans I looked at him and say "now come on crackerjack let's go" as we where about to leave steven came down the stairs and said "hey bobby do you mind if I talk to jack for a second" I had to basically force myself to not say anything and nod, after a few minutes I turn my head to the side to face the kitchen and see steven suddenly kiss jack with tongue saw that jack had his eyes open in shock like he wasn't expecting it, I made a fist with my hands in anger, no one forces my jack to do anything he doesn't want to do, as I was watching I didn't noticed sofi walk beside me and looked the way I was looking and saw steven and jack kissing, she then looked at me and said "that must make you really jealous huh, to see him and steven doing that" I made a pff sound and simply said "I don't know what your talking about loca" "O please it's so obvious and plus angel told me" my eyes widened and that made sofi smirk "so are you gonna tell him" she said smiling I just nodded, "good lu-" sofi stopped half way when jack came over to us saying "hey you ready to go" I nodded and we left. Jack and I were walking on the sidewalk when we saw our friend green "hey green what's up" I say terrence smiled at us saying "hey guys, uh nothing much but don't worry we're still working on your mother's murder case so don't try and get involved okay" I nodded terrence then looked at jack worried "jack are you okay?" He asked, jack just nodded "uh, yea i-i'm fine" he stuttered "jack remember what I said okay, if anything's wrong you tell me alright man" terrence said and gave jack a man hug and patted his back he did the same to me minus the pat on the back and left, I looked at jack and asked "jack what was he talking about when he said 'remember what I said' is something going on" jack shook his head "bobby, it's nothing you need to worry about" then asked "so why did you ask me to walk with you?" I took a deep breath and said "okay I, jack I wanted to tell you something and I've actually wanted to tell you this for a while now, jack I'm in-" before I could finish I got interrupted by my phone ringing I saw that the caller ID said Angel, I picked up and said "hey angel I'm kinda busy right now" "bobby you and jack need to come home right now man, it's about jerry I like he owned Victor sweet some money because this insurance guy just came by and said that he was in debt" "WHAT" I yelled "we'll be right there" I continued then hung up at told jack that we had to go back cause something had happened. We got back home and angel told us that the insurance guy said that jerry was in debt and how he owned money since he took out a mortgage on the house, I was beyond pissed off, not only because there was a chase that jerry was involved in ma's murder but also because I didn't get to tell jack about how I really feel about him and now I have to stand here and see steven with his hands on jack "I'm gonna fucking call him" I say and pull out my phone and dialed his number, I waited for him to answer but it went to voicemail after the 5th or 6th ring, I hung and growled in frustration. Later that night angel, jack, and I drove over to Jerry's house and saw from the bedroom window that he was talking to his wife Camille, after she left the room "if he doesn't answer I swear to god I'm gonna go in there and kick his ass" "man don't" said angel then jack said "his family's in there bobby, and you'll scare his kids" as expected jerry didn't answer his phone when angel called him, so he left him a voice mail saying "hey man we need to tell you something come to ma's house tomorrow afternoon okay" then we left.
                      Third person POV
Jerry walked in the house from the back door that led to the kitchen, he walked into the living room and saw angel and jack sitting on the coach and steven sitting on the coachs right arm next to next holding his hand "hey you said you needed to tell me tell me something?" Jerry asked, angel took out some money from the big envelope he was holding and said "that depends, do you have something you wanna tell us" "man you don't know who your fucking with where's bobby" then just as he said that bobby came and punched jerry in the face making him fall, sofi came and stood on the kitchen's door way looking scared, bobby kneeled down beside jerry and said "tell us what you're hiding jerry, if you had something to do with ma's death I swear I'm gonna kill you"  "no bobby no" said sofi with a scared voice, jerry tried to get up but bobby yelled "STAY DOWN" kicking him down "now angel's gonna ask you some questions and I shit you not time for lying is over" "we know you lied about your business and we know you got mixed up with some gangsters" said angel, jerry looked shocked and sad saying "y'all think I had something to do with ma getting killed" angel continued "you got a check for 4oo,000 that you just so happen to forget to mention for ma's life insurance" "she took the policy out for the girls man, I ain't have nothing to do with that" jerry replied angerly finally saying something jack said "you made the payments" looked a little sad, steven rubbed his back kissing his forehead to calm him down a little seeing that bobby got angrier and directed it towrds jerry saying "good timing jerry, just when it seems like all is loss for you ma gets shot by some gangsters and you hit the fucking lottery" "so y'a, y'all are tripping because I made insurance payments" then got up screaming "WHAT, I payed all her bills" then pushed bobby, then punched angel in the face making him almost fall, sofi got scared and walked back into the kitchen "where the fuck were y'all, huh, how many years did I have to take care of her my god damn self y'all were around doing nothing bullshit, then y'all are gonna tell me I killed her, come on man" jerry yelled "so why would you pay I killer like sweet, and what the fuck did he do for you jerry" angel said getting in Jerry's face "what did he do for me, he killed my fucking life..I put everything in that project, I bet it all try'na make something of myself, try'na make shit work then he thinks he can come and take a piece" jerry said frustrated "you payed him jerry, you got in bed with him didn't you" bobby said angerly "no, no, no, I didn't pay him, that's how they fucking shut me down" then jack spoke asking "wait I thought the city shut you down jerry" jerry turned to look at him and said "Douglas, come on man this is Detroit, sweet owns Douglas he ain't nothing but a gangster in a suit" then someone started banging on the door "I don't pay him and now he shuts my loans down and the story and the projects" the banging didn't stop, jack looked at his brothers and saw that they didn't even hear it, he looked at steven and tried to pull his hand away from him, but steven didn't let go, he got close to jack "where that fuck do you think your going" he whispered in jack's ear so that the others wouldn't hear "t-to answer t-the d-door" jack whispered softly, as jerry kept yelling at bobby and angel jack opened the door and saw a guy walk away saying "your mother was a whore" jack got angry "yeah well fuck you man, I well-" before jack could finish the guy threw a snowball at him, jack wiped the snow off his face then grabbed some snow and started to ran towards the guy saying "son of a bitch, piece of shit" and kept running when the guy started to run, back at the house bobby looked at the couch and just saw steven looking out the window at jack, Bobby got worried "jack, jack" then went to the open door with angel behind him just in time to see jack stop dead in his tracks when the guy turned around and take a gun out shooting jack in the shoulder, as jack fell to his knees the shooter was about to shoot jack again when bobby took his gun out and shot the guy dead, suddenly a van came and more guys came out of the van with guns and started shooting bobby and angel ran back into the living room and fell to the floor away from from the bullets that were flying everywhere, shattering the window creating holes on the bottom side of the wall, bobby looked at steven and saw the he was sadly alive and was shooting back at the guys outside, meanwhile jack had tried to get back in the house holding his injured shoulder but was shot in the leg and side making him fall to the ground next to the telephone pole he screamed "BOBBY!!" Hearing the pain in jack's voice bobby screamed "JACK!!" When jack screamed for bobby again jerry screamed "JACK" Basically telling him that he was here and didn't leave, bobby got up and shot another guy dead, jack screamed in pain and that made bobby pissed as hell, bobby herd more gun shots but they were coming from inside the house bobby turned and saw that it was steven who was shooting a gun at the shooters, suddenly the shooting stopped and bobby peak out of a bullet hole on the bottom of the wall he was crouching next to, he saw one of the shooters bobby picked up a big brick and threw it at the shooter when he finished putting more bullets in his gun and looked up, when he fell down bobby went to him and punched in non-stop until angel dragged him away when the shooters van was coming towards him but was crashed with Jerry's car trying to stop it from hitting bobby, bobby quickly ran and dropped on his knees beside jack, he put his hands on both sides of jack's face while angel was on jack's left covering the bullet hole on jack's right shoulder, jerry got out of the car and quickly ran over to jack and saw that his leg was bleeding severely and kneeled beside it putting pressure on it, bobby was crying saying "jack, don't you die on me fairy, don't you fucking dare die on me please, please jack you have to breath okay, please I'm begging you jack I love you, I love you jack please just try to breath" bobby was full on crying now when he saw sofi he said "sofi quick call 9-1-1" "I already did during the shooting they should be here in a few seconds" sofi replied not taking her eyes off jack. A second later there were siren sounds coming near them, the next thing bobby knew the parametrics were taking jack to the hospital, before the police came bobby  went to the shooters van and opened the door seeing the driver "who sent you Victor sweet" the guy nodded "yeah, yeah it was sweet, thank God" bobby was pissed seeing how a guy that almost killed his brother would be happy to be alive, "thank God, you killed my mother, and you almost killed my little brother, thank Victor sweet" then Bobby shot him in the head 'BANG'.

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