Chapter: 9

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                          Bobby's POV
As the doctor examined my hand the nurse came with the x-rays, when the doctor looked at them and said that my hand was just fractured and that I just couldnt put any pressure on it, I walked out of the room and saw jack standing on the opposite way facing me, he had this sad look on his face that made him look like a kicked puppy and now all I wanted was to make him happy and so I can see him smile that beautiful smile that I love so much, I walk towards him and say "hey jack, DAMN" yelling the word damn, and got what I wanted jack smiled and laughed a little and that made me smile and laugh and pulled him by his shoulder that told him 'let's go' after we passed the front desk jack stopped and asked "hey, so what happens to your hand?" I replied "O nothing it's just a fracture and I can't put a pressure on it so that's it" jack nodded then asked "So what happened" confused I said "huh" jack asked "what happened, what did green say that made you punch the wall and hurt your hand" I was about to tell him what green told me about steven, about how he was a rapist, accused of murder and was in a gang, when suddenly jack's phone vibrated, jack looked at the screen and he went pale, that got me worried so I asked "jack are you okay" jack just continued to look at his phone not paying attention to me, I put my hand on his shoulder and say "jack" in a quiet voice as he looked at me snaking out of his daze, "are you okay" I asked him again he didn't say anything he just nodded and walk out the door of the hospital and I followed.
                         Jack's POV
Bobby was about to tell me why he punched the wall, when suddenly my phone vibrated as I took out my phone and saw the screen I paled, it was a text from steven saying 'Listen here you little bitch im gonna have my way with you tonight and if you tell anyone ill murder you myself' I was so scared that I didn't even hear bobby until he put his hand on my shoulder and asked "are you okay" I didn't respond cause I was to scared to talk that I just nodded and walked out of the hospital and to the car, as I was driving bobby and I home, out of nowhere bobby asked "jack, if anything's bothering you, know that you can tell me and I will help you or protect you, no matter what it is okay." I nodded without looking at him, my eyes on the road focusing on driving.
                            Bobby's POV
I look at jack and for the first time notice that he's wearing the necklace I gave him for his 18th birthday along with ma's rosary, smiling I say "you kept that" as we got to a red light jack looks at me and says "what" I look at the necklace and jack looks down at it to see what I'm talking about "the necklace I gave you when turned 18" jack smiles and says "yeah of course I did, why wouldn't I" I shook my and looked at my feet saying "I've just noticed that your more of a ring guy, and I've never seen you wear necklaces as much and as for the necklace I gave you, I just haven't seen you wear a lot, but I'm not complaining." Jack smiled laughing "well that's because you haven't seen me since you left" I frowned he's right I haven't seen him since I left and I only time I visited him was when he turned 18 and I gave him that necklace, "I'm sorry jack, I should have visted you more and when ma told me you moved out when I asked her about you I should've asked her to give me your address or your new number" I say as tears fall down to my cheeks as jack put the car in park jack looked at me saw that I was crying and said "bobby the past is the past and I'm not worried about it, all I care about is that your here now" I looked at him surprised "r-really" I stutter "yea man" and leand in and hugged me, which wasn't easy since we were in the car, we got out of the car and went in the house "hey guys where were you" jerry asked bobby said "O uh jack took me to the hospital, because green, uh told me that they haven't found the guy who put the hit out on ma and so I got pissed and filled the coffee table over and then punched the wall" jerry laughed "well that explains the hole in the wall" jack laughed a little as well, but tried to hide it. Later sofi and jack were making dinner while steven and I were watching jerry and angel play wrestle, when I saw steven looking at jack and smirking like he was thinking about bending jack over the kitchen table fucking him, and just the thought of that made me angry jack should be treated with respect and always be loved, I look at jack and see how beautiful he is when he's cooking, hell he's beautiful doing anything, I suddenly think back to when we kissed and how soft his lips were. A few minutes later sofi said "guys dinners ready" we all walked in the kitchen and as we were sitting down I saw jack leaving "jack aren't you gonna eat" I asked, jack shook his head "uh no, I'm not hungry" as if sofi was reading my mind she said "bullshit jack your way to skinny, sit down and eat" "yea jack for once I agree with la vida loca, now sit your ass down and eat" I said, jack shook his head laughing as he sat down next to steven, after we said grace we ate then watched a little hockey when I saw jack sneak upstairs then come back looking a little weird, after the hockey game was over we all went to sleep.

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