Chapter 2

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Hey so before I start this chapter I want to say that I red a story where Green's character was named Terrence so I'm gonna Green that from now, but I will call him just green sometimes, ok that it enjoy the story
Bobby's POV
I couldn't believe it that guy just kissing jack like that "that should be me" I thought, I hear footsteps behind me and as I turn around I see jack with a frown on his face he shyly started to slowly walk towards me again and stood next to me on the porch, I sighed after a few minutes of awkward silence jack spoke "look bobby I know that, that was unexpected-" before he could finish I interrupted him "how long" jack looked confused "what?" He asked "how long have you two been together?" I asked "4 months" he replied, my heart broke if I'd come back home a few months earlier then jack might be with me right now instead of that Steven guy, I looked at jack and saw him rubbing his wrist and the look on his face was like he was in pain "jack are you okay?" I asked, he was about to answer when suddenly I hear a voice say "hey, babe you okay?" I turned to the door and saw Steven as he make his way to jack and pulled Jack closer to him, I glared at Steven in anger then jerry came and said dinner was ready, as we all ate dinner it was dead silent, and I couldn't take it anymore so I suggested we play hockey jerry agreed so did Angel, I saw that jack was hesitant but the agreed.
Jack's POV
I was already in pain and knowing bobby when it came to hokey he played rough, I mean he's called the Michigan Mauler for a reason ever since he joined the hokey league and that was the reason why he was kicked out of the league, but I knew that if I said no then bobby, angel and jerry would start asking questions that I didn't want to answer, so I just nodded and and said "yes." We all went to the ice skating rink sofi and Steven came as well, jerry wanted Camille to come but she had to take the kids to a play date. We were playing hokey when suddenly something collided with my body and with great force made me fall on the ice hard "watch it bitch" I hear someone yell I look up and see the guy that bumped into me as I apologized and tried to stand up I felt an arm around my waist, I see that it was bobby as he said "hey, what's the problem here." The guy looked angrily at bobby "your little bitch here fucking bumped into me" bobby had this angry look in his eyes, then in rage he punched the guy in the face, the guy fell down and bobby kicked him in the ribs hard and yelled "WHAT THE FUCK DID YOU SAY, LISTEN YOU MOTHER FUCKER IF YOU EVER CALL MY BROTHER THAT AGAIN I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU, YOU HEAR ME!" As the guys friends helped him walk away and Angel and jerry had to hold bobby back so he wouldn't go after the guy, all of a sudden I start to feel a little light headed I kept hearing voices and a girl screaming I tried to focus but the pain was to much to handle, then suddenly everything went black.
                    Bobby's POV
After I punched that guy I saw that jack look a little dizzy, then out of nowhere he fell down unconscious "JACK!" I yelled as I took of my skates I leaned close to him shaking him to wake up and and jerry call out to him as well sofi screamed as she ran towards us, I feel someone else near me and see that it was Steven he had his hand on jack's cheek "jack, jack baby wake up, please jack wake up" as Steven said that it made me angry I didn't like that he was touching my jack or calling him baby " I should be the one calling him that" I thought to my self "get the fuck away from him" I snapped at him and push him away, he then punched me in the face I was about to attack him when Angel stopped me "bobby let it go we have to get jack back to the house to see wants wrong okay" As Angel said that I nodded tears coming out of my eyes as I couldn't believe I almost forgot about him. I picked up jack in my arms ignoring Steven as he was about to do the same thing and we went to the car.

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