Character Ask!

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Alrighty! Let's finally do this thing. I won't be writing the usernames, just so you know. Also, some of you forgot the "questions related to the story".. rule. So yeah, there's gonna be weird answers.

Okay, let's get this party started.


1. What are your favorite things to do around your kingdom?

Yaku: Hmm.. That's a good question. I absolutely love spending time at the indoors garden. Riding around town is also fun, though nothing beats visiting the lilly fields, oh the view is spectacular.


Yaku: uhm, I don't think I'm ready for kids yet... But I mean if Lev agrees...

3. can I cuddle you oml

Yaku: everyone loves cuddles! Though, not for long.

4. Why are you short?

Yaku: huh? Wanna fight me?


1. Is your mom gonna try and stop Yaku from marrying you?

Lev: my mom only cares about marriage, so she won't mind. If anything, she'll be happy.

2. Why u so toll?

Lev: Most of the people in the Haiba kingdom are tall, since we're the closest relatives to Norns.

(explanation - Norns are a type of humans in a game Guild Wars which are very tall and live in cold areas)

3. Do you own a Russian blue?

Lev: I wish I had one, but I do own a few hundred huskies.

4. How easy is it to cuddle Yaku considering you height differences?

Lev: It's really easy! He's so small and easy hug!

5. Can I have some of your height?

Lev: Hmm.. No.

6. Does Yaku call you leg?

Lev: Why would he do that?

7. Do you ever skip leg day?

Lev: How did you know we have an annual Leg Day when everyone competes who can run the most? And no, I never skip that.

8. Will you fight Yaku's mom for permission to marry Yaku?

Lev: Anytime, anywhere. We'll declare a war if it's needed.


1. Have you had sex with Oikawa?

Iwa: Yes, I have.

2. What's your favorite memory with Oikawa?

Iwa: One night me and Tooru spent the whole night looking at the starry sky. It was wonderful, though nothing beats our first kiss.

3. How is it going with Oikawa over there?

Iwa: It's going great! Glad you asked.

4. What is your favorite insult nickname for Oikawa?

Iwa: I never insult Tooru, he's my husband, why would I do that?

IWAIZUMI (Tooru) ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

1. What went through your head when you first saw Iwa-chan in his stunning royal glory?

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