Describe Red, Without saying Red

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A dark evening, a long floor length dress sweeping through the hall. The color vibrant, the sun smiles at its shade

The color of her lipstick as she placed her lips over your chapped ones.

The color of your blood as he smashes a bottle over your head, his drunken angry gaze boring into yours as the color fills your eyes

The vibrancy of life, the very essence that flows in our veins and keeps us alive

The color of your mind as you crash into another car, all that you see is the color of your being

The elegance and grace of the sun as it sets on a warm summer evening, it's rays stretching over the sad clouds making them shine with new life

The beautiful whoosh of a winter bird, adding a splash of color to the blank snow over the ground, it's chirp sending waves of hope through your mind

The peaceful sounds of the leaves on an autmn evening, laying under a long tree as it's leaves fall around you, their beautiful shade adding to the brown world

The color of the flower s/he gives you, the small silver ring shimmering in the stem of the rose

The dark splash on the floor as you let out your frustrations on yourself, the tears mixing in with the deep shade as it goes deeper

The screams of horror as the color surrounds you, your friends and family seeing you and trying to help you

The color of the liquid you drink, it's sour flavor leaving you questioning why pomegranates were made into juice

Idk lol

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