Ocean picnic

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chapter 3.
ocean picnic.

"okay girls, you can wear swim suits just cover up, you are still young women. act like it." my mom said.

she walked away.

"I'm dressing like a stripper." Kayla said and we both laughed.

I put on a black bikini, the top was like a halter top.

I put on a black and white striped t-shirt and a sweater.

Kayla was wearing the smallest bikini and a sweater.

we walked outside with arms linked.

"it looks like it's gonna rain," Kayla said.

Ryan had a bunch of picnic blankets set up.

Kayla and I sat down on one.

I checked my twitter.

it said that emery posted a picture:

@emerykelly tweeted; going threw old photos and found this one. couldn't stop smiling. your a perfect human being, b. miss you baby 😍😍❤️❤️

I was the luckiest girl alive

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I was the luckiest girl alive.

"b, off your phone interact with people around you." my mom said.

"mama, I was talking to emery." I said.

"I know sweetie, but he can wait." she said.

"mom, I miss him." I said.

"Bailee, I know. but not right now." she said.

"why do you hate him so much?" I said upset.

everyone was staring at us.

"Bailee! not now." my mom said angrily.

Kayla looked at me.

"no, mom, I deserve an explanation!" I raised my voice.

"yes, you do but not right now!" my mom said.

"mom he's been the best boyfriend ever! he's my best friend. he always makes me smile, what has he done so wrong?" I defended my boyfriend.

"many things! you don't see the side of him everyone else does because he treats you differently then everyone else. have you seen his past record? he's not a good kid!" my mom yelled.

I stood up mad.

this wasn't usual for me.

but when you say lies about my loved people, that's not okay.

"yeah mom I know he doesn't have the best past. but neither did you. but that doesn't mean people don't change. people change people, and I've changed him. he changed himself. he became a better person for me!" I argued.

"and if that's such a bad thing then I don't know what to tell you!" I yelled.

it was silent.

everyone was staring at me.

I started to run away and I heard Kayla say, "Bailee, don't."

then I heard her say, "mama, come on,"

I walked to the small doc and sat down at the end.

I heard someone walking behind me, I figured it was Kayla.

"you don't think he's a bad person, do you?" I asked.

"I don't know him," the voice that wasn't Kayla's said.

I jumped and turned around.


"oh, sorry i thought you were Kayla." I sighed.

I wiped my eyes.

"You've got a great sister," he said.

I didn't turn around.

"what do you mean?" I responded.

"she's arguing with your mom for you," he said.

I sighed.

she was an angel.

couple minutes later I saw Kayla running to alex and I on the doc.

I started running too, and when we met we hugged tightly.

"thank you, Kay Kay." I said.

"she has no right to say what she said. emerys treated hog like a princess. everyone should be treated the way he treats you." she said, still hugging me.

"thank you, Kayla. it reassured me." I smiled.

"imma go talk to mom," Kayla said running back to my mom.

I fell down purposely and started crying.

alex was still standing there.

I stood back up and wiped my eyes.

"can you hold me?" I said crying.

"please," I added.

"I don't think you understand I just need you to hold m-" I said but he interrupted me but putting his arms around me.

we hugged tightly for what felt like forever.

I didn't mind, and I didn't want to be anywhere else.

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