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chapter 31
I ran to her room followed my alex running behind men

we got there and I saw my mom and dad standing outside.

I stopped and caught my breath, as did alex.

"Bailee the doctors are doing stuff, but I want to tell you that your dad and I are together again." she smiled.

I was shocked.

"great, anyways, when can I see Kayla?" I said.

"I'm not sure, but your okay with us?" she smiled.

"I mean i don't care, y'all are happy. but it's gonna take me time." I smiled.

"what's happening with the house?" I asked.

"there painting, almost done we can move in in a couple days. you gonna come live with us?" she asked.

I was confused.

"maybe," I said.

"well alex is always welcome at our house. thanks for taking care of b this whole time." my dad smiled.

"Bailee." I corrected.

he looked at me.

"my names Bailee," I said.

the doctors came out of kaylas room.

"she's awake, and her heart rate is normal. I hope it stays this way, and shockingly she has no broken bones," the doctors smiled.

"a miracle." they said.

"you can go see her," they said.

"while we talk to your parents." they added.

I smiled and ran into the room.

"Bailee," Kayla said crying.

"Kayla," I cried and hugged her tightly.

"I fought, for you." she smiled.

"you remember that." I cried.

"yeah. I heard everything you said while I was in my coma, too." She said.

"you no dads back he's with mom again." I said.

"we got our dad back, b." she smiled.

"you forgive him?" I asked.

"life's short, trust me, I should know." she laughed.

I nodded.

and hugged her again.

"it's a fresh start for everyone. I lived, dads back, new friends, it'll all be okay." she said while hugging me.

I hoped she was right.

that afternoon alex and I ran home so we could get dressed and ready for the day.

I wore a striped shirt with overalls and sandals.

I curled my hair half up half down.

we went back to the hospital and ate lunch in the hospital room with my family.

it was about 4:30 when alex and I decided to leave.

"once again thank you for taking care of our daughter," my dad smiled as alex and I left.

"I'm gonna go to the bathroom real quick," alex smiled.

"okay I'll wait out here," I smiled and waved too Kayla.

as I walked out I saw Betty.

"hay," I smiled.

"hello hello, how are things with emery and alex and Kayla?" she smiled.

"well, Kayla was in a coma but she's awake now." I smiled.

"and alex is still with me, and emery and i broke up." I explained.

"I'm living with alex," I smiled.

I saw he came out.

"you still love him?" Betty mumbled.

I shook my head yes.

"now tell me what happened with emery?" Betty said as alex approached us.

alex laughed.

"he's a douche, he let an amazing girl go is what happened," alex smiled.

"he cheated and he's ignorant. Bailee deserves better." he said.

"I mean she deserves the world, and emerys far from giving it." he laughed.

I looked at alex.

"I love you." I finally said.

he looked at me shocked.

"you do," he smiled.

I shook my head yes and felt a tear.

a happy tear.

"I've been waiting so long for you to say that," he smiled.

"I love you too Bailee. so much." he smiled.

"I love you I love I love." he added.

and then it happened.

alex and I kissed.

I was against the wall to kaylas room.

I loved it.

I didn't want to stop.

alex was my world.

I loved him.

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