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chapter 20.

"Bailee!!" Lydia yelled and ran to hug me, followed by page and ally, who hugged me as they got up to us.

"Lyd, p, ally!" I smiled.

I wiped the rain off my face and fixed my outfit- a purple long sleeve shirt, jeans, a scarf, and boots, with curled hair.-

"so, lets go get drinks and talk!" Paige said.

we all walked in, ordered our drinks and sat at a table.

I sat next to Paige, across from Lydia and ally across from Paige.

"so, give us the details with your new hunky buddy alex," Lydia laughed.

"he's amazing. my best friend. I've been staying at his house because Kayla and my mom where in a small town house and there wasn't enough room, and his moms never there, so it's like living with your best friend. it's so fun," I exclaimed.

"wait, you sleep together?" ally said.

I bit my lip.

"yes, but we don't like cuddle or anything," I answered.

there jaws dropped.

"what about emery?" Paige said.

"we broke up, you didn't hear?" I said confused.

"no!" they all said.

"what happened?" ally said.

"basically, he stood up for Jordyn, told me I'm a joke, and left. he's been tweeting with jordyn, it's bad. but, last night he came to the hotel I'm at and said he wanted a second chance, he was sorry, jordyn was using him." I said.

"b, I'm so sorry. he blocked us on all socials, and jordyn hasn't tweeted anything with him. she's dating Brandon," Paige said.

I half smiled.

"I love him, but I don't want to make alex Aidan and Chloe mad," I explained.

"b, if you he wants you and you want him, seconds chances are a thing. you guys where in love. it doesn't just go away." Lydia said.

"and, alex and them, there your best friends, if they hate you because you love someone, they don't want what's best for you. and if something where to happen with emery, and they weren't there for you, it just shows what kind of people they are, it's nothing on you." ally said.

"and of course, you have us!" Lydia added.

I smiled.

"thanks, you guys really helped me." I smiled.

we had small talk, then walked around outside.

"okay okay, tonight at 5, there's gonna be a fun party with the simple people, no jordyn, and Peyton's out of town plus she's a bitch currently, I'm not sure about emery, but you need to come!" ally said.

"that actually sounds really fun, I'm in." I smiled.

Paige and I met up with my mom and Kayla and helped pack.

Lydia and ally went to the mall.

it was finally 5:30 when Paige and I started walking to the persons house the party was at.

we walked up the same time as a group of boys I was close with, Braxton, Brody, Noah, and Mario.

"woah, Mrs. b!" Braxton said.

"I'm back!!" I laughed.

I hugged Braxton, then Brody, then Noah and Mario.

we all walked in together, several people smiled and waved at me.

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