So now what?

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It had been a week since you two had been married and you..felt like nothing changed and you loved it "i still can't believe we're married.." sportacus said while fiddleing with his wedding ring "yeah i know it makes me feel..kinda old, actually. Hahah" you said while leaning on sportacus' shoulder "heheh so do i but..i feel like nothings changed and i like that feeling." He said leaning his head on yours.

"Me too...hmm now what though, i mean were married, what do newly wedds do in their free time." You ask " thats actually a reallly good question." He said realizeing he didn't have the answer this time " i think we should go to Disney land!" Lui said while jumping up and down and giving you the most 'innocent' face ever "nice try." You and sportacus said in unison "aww...i better try something else." He said thinking out loud " you can stop ploting litte man hehe we're not going to disney land 'till your birthday.." sportacus said while ruffleing his hair " b-but daaad thats like..1..50..8..fifty-two months away!" He said cutely because he still didn't know how to count too well.

You and sportacus just tried to keep in your laughter as not to hurt his feelings "no its not hehehe." You said laughing until lui stopped into a corner " you don't love me 'cause if you did you'd take me to disney land!" He yelled "well since your already in the corner you can stay there for three minutes." You said while putting your hands on your hips "no stupid booty!" Lui yelled again and even louder "hey, you don't say things like to your mother young man, you now have to stay in the corner for five mintues...potty mouth.

" *sniff* i want my grandma.." he said while facing the wall " *sigh..i guess this is what some newly wedds do, ya know just take care of our child together and be happy.." you said as you kiss sportacus softly "YOU GUYS ARE GROOOSS!" Lui yelled purposely ruining the moment "to the wall." You said forcefully and aggrvatedly.

// its short its currently 1:38 in the morning and im trying to keep my half promise!

-Sincerely C.M

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