Chapter 1

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I sat there smiling at my father as he was showing me how he hunted ghosts and monsters. Kids at my school laugh at me when I said this but it's true I know.
When I got home I saw my dad fighting these grey creatures that looked like they were bone and smoke mixed together.
I gasped and realized they're dream monsters.
That what I called them.
I noticed dads hand was a huge pretty green crystal that was so sharp it was hurting the dream monsters. I saw one of them grab daddy's head and he fell asleep.
I sprinted inside grabbing the rock salt from my bag I threw it at them and put a circle around me and daddy.
"This won't last long baby. You need to imagine your hand going into a point like daddy's was you got that?" I nodded my head wiping my tears away. I imagined my arm turning into daddy's one but when I opened my eyes it was pitch black and scary.

I didn't think it through so I just ran and started stabbing them and they ran away from us.
I smiled and looked at daddy who had a big bleeding hole is his throat and something in it.
That's when I realized that it was a dream ghosts hand.
The scary monster slid its hand out and ran towards me but dads green crystal imbedded itself into its chest.
I ran to him holding his hand "you did good in so proud of you. Run to daddy's work okay baby?" His mouth didn't move but I could hear him. I cried holding him "I don't wanna leave you daddy!" I shouted but I noticed all around us were dream ghosts.
"Go!" Dad shoved a necklace with a green stone on it a his and mummy's wedding ring. I stumbled away from him clenching the necklace "I SAID GO!" He screamed in my head I started sprinting as fast as I can. My legs burned and the cold night air stung my face.
I kept running but then I heard police sirens I quickly ran into the bush lands and hid in a log. But I couldn't stay hidden because of the crystal. Even though it was black it flowed brightly. But it mad you feel like darkness is the only thing left.
I shook my head and through of my hand. I heard a clunk and opened my eyes to see my hand except it had black flames going up to my elbow. It looked like it was a tattoo except it looked so much more natural.
The police ran right past me queueing me to run.
I found myself standing in front of dads work. Daddy's assistant walked out and grabbed my hand pulling me inside. I couldn't handle staying awake anymore and I passed out.

I sat up straight panting spinning my head side to side to check my surroundings I sighed when I realized I'm still in this training program for hunters. The blinding white room made it impossible to go to sleep but the nightmares mad it even harder.
" Black get up training starts at five" I look at the room speaker and roll my eyes. As if I was sleeping.
No one knows my name they call me Black or weird girl. And I wouldn't class this place as a training it's more of a prison and school mixed into one. And the biggest motto here is 'train until no one can touch you until then your stuck with us'.
I get up and throw on the white yoga pants and sport bras. I'm not really skinny but I'm not fat I'm really curvy but I'm still light but I'm a short ass for my age. 5 ft and I have a lot of pent up rage and anger.
I splash water on my face and throw my blue hair. Every since I was a kid since that attack my hairs been blue I have no idea why.
But the funny thing is I'm actually one of the monsters I hunt I have to keep it a secret or else the 500 people here will kill me.

I walk towards my 'class room' it's pretty much a big white room and molds into any terrain and situation I'm on the top of my class. Well there's levels it goes 1 to 7 and then it goes into heroic training and the highest form of training is the coven or whatever. At the moment I'm in heroic training and testing is coming up I don't care if I stay here or make it through.
"Okay class today we are going to deal with some real life pixies" I looked at the 5 people in my class.
Jake was a scrawny show off but his brains make up for his body mass especially since he's like a ninja but doesn't punch to heard. Weaknesses: Tanya
Now Tanya is a heart break. Blonde hair blue eyes biggest slut ever. Ju jit su master and weakness is probably not getting her way.

Then there's Riley, personally I would bang her. She's tiny but she'll kill you if you look at her side ways. Her black hair and her dark brown doe eyes make her look non threatening but she can kill you with one kick. Awesome kick boxer and her main weapon is knives. Her weakness is zoning out but only because class is boring.
Mick he's just an idiot all muscle no brain his motto is smash before thinking. Yea I know not very good but he isn't and his biggest weakness is me. I hate it he's always trying to hit on me and it gets annoying.
"Pffttt fairies can't even hurt us" Mick practically shouted "Mick we are fighting pixies they aren't good nor evil but these ones have gone full evil I give you luck first one to get zapped run to the side until they're all dead go!"
The landscape changed into a forest. The tree next to me had a few weapons but my person favorite is the katana and bow and arrows.
I quickly grabbed arrows and threw them over my shoulder with my bow and grabbed a katana.
"Black!" I snap my head to the side to see Mick swinging his massive sword around hitting only few. His biggest weakness I was wrong about he can't attack little things because he's massive and attacking little things is really hard for him. I don't understand how.
I sprinted over to him grabbing a packet of salt out throwing it behind me the pixies did a little gasp and they flew towards it to count them.
The one rule pixies actually follow  if salt or sugar spill they must count every grain and then tell you how much you have.

"Mick you smart ass I've told you this before-"
"Yea I know throw pepper and they have to clean it" I face palmed myself and picked him up dragging him towards the tree "it's salt just remember salt now hold this" I grab him a water bottle "if they come at you wet them" he nodded tiredly because of the pixie venom "oh look pretty lights coming towards us"

I spun in my heel and sliced my katana through the air causing more then half of them to fall and the rest to fly upwards "pass your iron knives" Mick fumbled to his knives and handed me one "thanks" I broke the blade off the knife and tired it to an arrow and downed it in water shooting it towards the rest of the swarm.
I felt one of them sting me but I kept wetting them and shooting them down until there was no more.
"Test results" a speaker sounded my heart sank. I thought this was a warm up! I wanted to do bad so I can stay down! I sighed and sat down to watch medics tend to Mick.
"Michel Reid. Failed
Riley Seerey. Passed
Tracy McGee. Failed
Jake Ford. Failed
There was silence for a bit making me grow anxious.
"Passed. Congrats those who have passed go to your room those who have failed remained put" I get up keeping my weapons knowing they would disappear with the simulation.
I opened my room door lazily looking down at my arm to see the black flames. I've sworn to never use unless on my death bed. Or if I track the 'dream ghosts' down but that's never going to happen since it impossible to track them let alone kill them. Everyone thought dad killed them, he did but so did I. I have a bit of this monster in me it's called. Well I don't know all I know people don't usually give them a name because they die and they keep assuming it's something else mostly werewolves but I don't know. I want to kill them so bad! I'm so sick of dealing with this secret it's destroying me. And then there's me being gay. I always almost out myself with a fucking gay joke so I focus on that I stress of my freak of a family.

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