Chapter 16

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"Subject 1101 ready for trial number 34-015, approval to begin at 12:40am, commencing in T minus 3 minutes" I frowned where the hell am I? I slowly opened my eyes to see myself tied to a chair, I was in a blank white room with a mirror in front of me,I knew it was double sided I could hear the multiple heart beats in the next room all calm but excited, I looked more closely around the room and saw a silver table next to me with torture devices and a massive needle with black contents, I tried to stand up but a chain around my neck forced me to sit down, I start panting, what the fuck is going on, the last thing I remember is going to my next training class!
"What the fuck is going on? Is this a stupid test?" I was getting quiet agitated I look at my tattoos and see they've reached my neck?! It was going from my shoulders to the sides of my chest and the bottom of my neck!! When I last saw them two minutes ago they were barely reaching my elbows! I turned my arms crystal and broke the collar around my neck I couldn't care if they find out this is too freaky. Two guards come in aiming guns at me and a doctor looking dude walked towards the torture devices and picked up the needle, I didn't know what it was but everything was telling me that what ever it is it's very bad,
"Wilding Black nothing to be afraid of the needle you see is what every hunter gets it's a requirement" whoever was speaking through the hidden microphones sounded familiar and was in the room over but I knew they were lying I couldn't almost tell but I heard the heart waver.
Wait how come my hearing is so acute? And how do I know about this?
The doctor came closer to me making me panic and turn my arms into crystals and making a shield running full ball towards the mirror causing it to shatter, gun started firing but not a single bullet seemed to hit me as I sprinted towards the closest door.
That's when I realized I was running so fast everything is a blur, I shot around a corner and finally saw something familiar, the elevator, I hoped in and pressed top floor and the elevator I had to choose was the one that had to have a face snaked on it, now from what I have witness this isn't gonna work so I got out of the elevator and pressed the down button so it would go down, I heard shouts around the corner getting closer I forced the doors open and launched myself forward grabbing the elevator cords I started climbing upwards even if I'm most probably at the lowest level I need to get out of here, to Sam.
Wait who's Sam?
Am I thinking I'd Sammy Winchester?
Why did I just call him Sammy?
I shook my head and heard an announcement being broadcasted,
"Hunter Black is on the loose, is infected with the darkness disease is very dangerous"
Well they can't find me here because there's no security of any sort in here.
I kept climbing but suddenly someone decided to use the elevator on a higher floor causing me to hang on for dear life as I shot upwards with a great amount of speed, having a lot of floors there has to be a fast elevator, my hands start to burn and get sweaty causing my to slip,
Wait a fucking second,
I wanted to facepalm myself I'm an idiot,
I turned my hands crystal and I just kinda hanged there until I slowed down to a stop I looked at the closest door to me and saw the numbers 007 so close, I looked up and continued climbing until I felt the elevator go down, oh no.
I quickly launched myself to a wall and held myself there I wasn't going to ride the elevators up and down something was nagging at the back of my mind tell me there's no time to loose. Then it hit me,
'They've wiped my memory'
It takes me a moment to process it but it makes perfect sense why they called me hunter black over the speakers, which is 4 levels above me, well was I guess.
I turn my arm into a whip and use it was a grapple hook but I knew around floor one they had cameras, god only if I looked like someone else right now.
I looked at the doors and see 003 on it, any higher they would see me on the camera so I forced open the doors shooting out side against a wall, it was really quiet all you could see against the pristine white walls was the pulsing if red emergency lights, everyone was on the hunt for me.
I turned to my left and see the stairs but that's to risky I need to use my knowledge of this place and use the long way around, yet again I don't have time.
I decide to go dangerously and run up the stairs,
About 2 flights of stairs up I start hearing gut shots but they weren't at me, there's someone else?
I kept sprinting up the stairs with my arms crystals ready to fight I rounded the corner where the gunshots were with one arm a shield and the other a medieval and came face to face with an angel and a human,
"Black it's good to see you" I frowned confused holding my ground,
"Who are you? Why is there an angel here?" A thought hit me, "what do you want with me" it was more of a statement then a question but the looks on their faces were more confused then I was,
"Black" he started to inch towards me but I held my sword up ready to fight, causing him to put his hand gun in the back of his jeans and put the shot gun down,
"Black hey I'm Dean Winchester, this is Cas we met a few weeks ago and there's been a disease going around caused by the darkness which makes people go pretty much insane and angry" with every word flashes of memory shot across my mind but I couldn't make sense of it not now, all I know is I trusted him,
"I know you're Dean Winchester and Castile Winchester, I've read your files. I don't trust what's going on and I'm going to be asking a lot of questions but we don't have time where's Sam?" He picked his gun up,
"He's working on shutting the system down so we can get out of here easily he could do it in the stair well but he should be turning of the main power supply soon" I nodded,
"Let's go we don't have much time" as soon as the words left my mouth everything went black, I put my arm back to their original shape, god were running blind I need some light.
And with that once thought my arms started glowing a mixture of yellows and reds, like a real fire. It produced enough light to see where I was going,
"Did you know she coul-"
"No I didn't Dean" Cas said annoyed he reminded me of a annoyed child for a moment.
I shook my head and kept running upstairs when I noticed that the writing on the walls said we were on level -001 which means we've gone to far,
I turned around "we've gone to-" I felt a needle imbed itself into my back. Oh no. I knew what that was.
I turned around and shoved my hand into the persons chest by instinct but when I looked at the persons face I screamed.
"Riley! No!" All my memories flood back I fell to the floor holding her close to me, the glow from my arms turned into this black haze that floated around me giving me an evil look. Maybe I am evil? Maybe? No I am evil.
"I'm sorry" I muttered over and over, she brought her face next to mine, holding her, it gave me some comfort that she was what I fell in love with,
"I never loved you, it was an act" my chest physically contracted and twisted in torment it felt like someone had just broke my ribs again but twice as worse, and to be honest I'd rather that. I still held on,
"So that night when we-"
"I enjoyed it but sorry I'm into guys but I might say I'd like to fuck your friend over there right in front of you as you begged for us to stop I'd love to see the pain on your face" she coughed blood up, I dropped her to the ground causing her to groan, tears were streaming down my face and I knew something has snapped in me.
I grabbed deans gun within a blur and started shooting her head over and over.
I kept shooting the gun even though it only had 5 bullets I kept pulling the trigger over and over wishing she could suffer wishing she had somewhat realized what she done and wishing she actually cared about me.
Dean gently took the gun from my hand,
"Black" I felt something travel through my veins, it was the darkness I can feel that feeling anywhere.
I swallowed hard and turned to Dean with a neutral expression,
"Let's go" I almost flinched at how dead my voice sounded but it was how I truly felt, no more joke, no more games.
Just no more meaning to me at all.
I started jogging down stairs passing dean and Cas who was staring at me.
We got to the right number, 000, I slammed the door open and the lights turned on revealing ruffly 200 people aiming guns towards this door,
"Black take cover!"
Not today,
Today feels like a Monday, everything's gone to shit and I've already had it with this week.
Both of my arms turned into katanas,
Suddenly a gun fired but it bounced off my chest, I slowly walked forward as I kept getting shot but I couldn't feel it I swung my hands nearly putting effort in and 5 people would go down in one swing, I imagined everyone in her being squashed like the ants they are.
In a blink everyone was on the ground silent.
It's so beautiful yet so loud.
I kept walking toward the door.
"Black!" I head Sammy call me.
I turned around slowly, It didn't quiet sink in what I just did to all those guards but when I saw a glimpse in the mirror I knew what happened. My whole body was soaked with blood and my eyes are full black.
I sat on the ground in the pool of blood holding myself not saying anything just sitting there, letting tears steadily fall down my face,
"Get out of here" Sam put his hand on my shoulder and looked at me in the eyes,
"We're not leaving you here, you're family. You're a Winchester" I knew he was trying to comfort me but it wasn't working well, then dean rested his hand on my back,
"We never leave a Winchester behind" I looked at him with hope, but I looked back down.
"I'll hurt you." Sam scooped me into his arms and started running out with me sitting there. I felt numb I wanted to be with them as a family but-,
Flashed of when I was at the cabin with Riley and the fake nerd and Of fucking course Melanie even if she was a pain we were a family and looked how that turned out.
I hadn't notice that I was sitting in the back seat of the impala next to Cas who just looked ahead, I could see he was listening to angel radio, which is being somewhat quieter then usual some flickers here and there about where's god and that but no useful intel we can use.
I felt incredibly drain within a second and leans against Cas and started to fall asleep.
I felt Cas wrap his arm around me and held me in some what of an attempt to comfort me it didn't but it's the thought that counts, I wanted to stay awake but I couldn't it's like I've been wake for years.
I closed my eyes and felt safe laying in the back of deans car while Sam drives and Cas just hugs me as I'm falling asleep.
But deep down as everything faded I knew this wasn't going to last.

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