Chapter 22

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Tears threaten to spill over is I grab the delicate silver chain, hanging from it was two rings.
I fell to my knees holding the rings close to my chest.
"Mum" I whisper my voice shaking, "Dad" a tear slid down my cheek I felt the necklace I was wearing start to burn my chest causing blisters, as quick as it started burning I grab the heart and rip it off throwing it far away, I felt a chill run up my legs but it didn't stop there and kept climbing to my ribs where it slowed to a stop, I pull my shirt up and see the flames have almost completely covered the bottom half of my body and my back almost completely covered, repulsed by the view I scramble to find the necklace but all I could find is a blob of what looked like red melted metal.
"No!" I scream I go to pick it up but the rings occupying my hand seem to hold me back.
Sitting in silence I stare at my dirty hand as I slid the rings on my fingers, I put the gold ring with a green crystal on it on my thumb it is simply and doesn't stick out, I knew from the green crystal it was dads, I slid the thin silver ring with Little pink crystals littering the top around a bigger crystal which seemed to swirl with greens pinks and even a touch of black, onto my middle finger. Even though these rings didn't suppress my power it seemed to give me a grasp of it before it was like sitting in the passenger seat of my powers but now it feels like I'm the one driving. I wrap the silver chain that the rings were on around my wrist so it was like a chain bracelet.
I slowly stand suddenly feeling drain I look around blinking slowly my cheek still wet I wiped it but saw blood instead of tears,
"Luna?" I whispered my eyes instantly felt like a ton of steel just weighing my sockets down I quickly fall forward holding a tree spinning my head around,
"W-what's happening" I said between gasps I now just realized that it was next to impossible to breath I slid down the tree looking up at a beautiful woman wearing a simple black dress her dark brown almost black eyes stare at me,
"Why were you with Crowley?" She crouched I front of me staring into my eyes,
"Rowena" I felt minority's if my body turning from crystal to normal with every gasp I took for air,
"Why did you need her? Are you looking for me?" I spat blood into her face she grabbed my throat with one hand forcing me to stand up,
"This isn't going to end well if you are going to act like this, I'll make sure you're chained up where nobody will find you enduring the worst kind of torture" something in me didn't want me to speak so I didn't instead I smiled and shifted my hand into a point and tried to ram it into her but she easily and gracefully dodged out of nowhere I see a fist fly into my face cause my to fall to the floor my face burning,
"Now sit still and listen" she sounded like an irritated mother, I sat up leaning myself against the tree but when I tried to say something snide I couldn't open my mouth in panic I tried to move but the only movement my body will do is from my ragged breathing and the anger coursing through my veins,
"Sweetheart I'm the darkness, you power was created by me, I control you but I don't want to, I want you to help me because you're not evil, Yea you're created by darkness but it's the actions that cause something evil." She crouched in front of me inspecting my eyes like she's trying to look for a secret,
"I see why, I liked your parents they were kind those dream ghosts were rouge and the weaker end ones." I felt majority of my body turn to crystal and it seemed the air around dropped us below freezing but neither seemed to notice.
"Also dream ghosts of the higher ranks who can do this-" she held up my hand "-can only do it in one limb but your different, it's spreads, show me how much it has spread" her words seemed so genuinely nice I still loathed her but no matter how much I forced my body to attack her it just stood up and lifted my shirt revealing my almost covered back and my half covered waist.
"You're ready" she put her hand on my back but before I could run pain shot through me causing a pained scream to escape my throat but I didn't have the energy to fall down and hug myself it seems she was holding me with an invisible force, I felt the exploding pain find it's way from my whole body to in between my shoulders where it faded but in itch created making want to claw my back until it wasn't itchy but something was stopping me,
"What are you doing?" The words seemed to tumble out of my mouth before I could register the I could move by myself, diddly her hand was gone and something seemed to weigh down my back.
"Miss darkness chick?" I turned around to see she wasn't anywhere to be seen, I lifted my shirt to check my body over the front half was fine but when I saw the back I almost screamed.
"You've got to be kidding me!"

So guys I've like intwined supernatural into it but I'm sadly not gonna have it for the second book.
Did you read that correctly?
Damm straight ya did
I'm gonna be writing a second book on this but ya gonna have to wait till around about Christmas or when this book gets more views and I have a few more chapters on the new one ^~^
Have a good one

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