Chapter 20

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After my very refreshing shower I walk back into my room to see a pair of blue jeans and a black long sleeve shirt, which looked way to big but it's better then nothing I slip into the clothes and lay on my bed looking at the roof,
"Do you believe what that hunk in a trench coat said?" I grumbled annoyed rolling over putting my back to her,
"I do believe him but I don't trust you-"
"You don't trust yourself. You're afraid you're going to loose control like you did at the training center, that wasn't me I'm just the power your the host think of it like a hose. When you put a kink in it, the water only trickles out or is completely stopped but if TS a fire hose with great amount of pressure you try and kink that it'll spiral out of control you need to make the choice who it's aimed at" everything was racing around in my mind.
Everything she was saying made sense.
"Okay I'll make a deal if you leave me alone while I'm around people every night I'll take the necklace off" Luna just laughed,
"If you take the necklace off I won't be there ever-"
"I don't care I still don't trust you-"
"Or yourself" god she was getting on my nerves,
"Yea exactly. So do we have a deal or not?" I rolled back over and sat up holding my hand out to her. She eyed my suspiciously,
"Well you have no other choice" I snapped getting irritated, after her blabbing on she could just make me insane and force me to take the necklace if she finally agreed to my terms.
"Great now fuck off"I stood up and walked out into the map room but before I walked in I stoned at the sound of my name,
"Dean she's a good kid she just needs to learn-"
"And then what Sammy? What is she learns about everything and turns into one of them" the tension was thick I stayed behind the corner,
"Dean Black needs time the necklace is somehow suppressing her powers and maybe she'll be able to learn how to without without the necklace" Cas said his voice low,
"Cas you know after suppression your powers after too long it will blow up weather it be in her face or ours"
"Dean come on she just wants to help-"
"Get did of the darkness but what if she wants to steal the darknesses power? Then we'll all be screwed" I took a set back from the doorway running into a bench full of beer bottles and fast food,I turn around getting ready to run to my room but Cas was standing there.
"I-I didn't mean to eavesdrop I'm just afraid and-"
"Hey it's okay" Sam came up from behind me resting a big hand on my shoulder and gently squeezing it.
"Dean doesn't think so-"
"Yea because you're talking to thin air and weather it be in the human world or supernatural world that isn't a good sign" I turned around to see dean looking at me with a hard face but emotions were swirling in his eyes I also noticed hell in them as well,
"All three of you have been to hell and back and survived." I barely whisper keeping eye contact with Dean,
"I need to go" I run upstairs and outside in a blink of an eye.
I keep running through forests and towns even a Zoo until I'm in the middle of a field that has long lush green grass but there's a perfect circle that is brown and dead.
"Ooooo what are we doing here?" Luna crouched in front of me rubbing the dead dirt in between her fingers,
"Sam said that Castile found me in a field near the cabin and I've read somewhere that when you've been to hell you can see it in other peoples eyes that's when it occurred to me that the owner of this necklace could possible teach my about all this and even train me or help me find my spirit" Luna stood up looking pleased,
"How do we get into hell?" I asked,
"Look I know as much as you do, so wanna try a cross roads?" I look around annoyed,
"Argh come on! Just let us in for fucks sake!" I shouted to no one in particular,
"Well well well"I turn around slowly getting annoyed by the second,
"Crowley" I growled through clenched teeth,
"Black, now no time for introduction to your ghost I am assuming you want my help" I rolled my eyes,
"Not your help I need Lucifer" Crowley chuckled a fake stiff one,
"Lucifer is no where to be found I'm the ruler of hell-"
"I don't care if you're god I need Lucifer-"
"Well when we find him and get what we want out of him you can have him" I felt the necklace get extremely hot around my neck but it wasn't giving me burns, I chose to ignore it and glare at Crowley
"Enough how do I find him, because if I dont the darkness isn't the only thing you'll be worried about" Crowley's face twitched from smug to a look of worry but it was gone as soon as it came.
"I need Lucifer, this isn't personal problems this is a matter of life and death!" I shouted Luna walked up to him and tried to punch him the the face her fist when right through his head,
"Well that wasn't very nice was it Veronica"
"Still dislike that name it's Luna now,"
"Is the only reason you like that name because of your daughter?" She threw another punch but when a ghost has enough motion it can move things and she got a pretty good punch on him.
By now the necklace was making my skin sizzle so I quickly took it off and the it on the ground Luna smirked and disappeared and the tattoo flowed up my arms but now tattoos were flowing my my legs and it stopped about mid thigh, I couldn't see it but I could feel the familiar coolness,
"Interesting" Crowley has gotten to his feet again and was looking at me,
"More powerful then I've ever seen" he walked up to me and went to touch me but I took a step back,
"Shut up for a moment" I snapped I see the necklace burning the grass dead grease but as it seemed to burn the grass grew to the length of the rest and turned into a bright green, Crowley lunched at the necklace and threw it away,
"What is that?!" He shouted looking at me with wild eyes,
"I-I don't know I went missing and was found near here and I could see hell in other peoples eyes so I knew I've been to hell so I assumed-"
"You assumed correctly" a voice came from behind me I spun around my arms instinctively turning into crystals ready to fight all I saw was  a man that had short brown hair and was wearing a suit he looked rather familiar and also famous looking.
"I gave you that necklace it's quiet pretty isn't it" I knew it was Lucifer what taken me by surprise is-
"What happened to your normal vessel?" Crowley beat me to the question,
"Not important, Crowley leave" Crowley was going to object but with a swish of Lucifer's fingers he was gone,
"Now look at you" he seemed really chill and laid back sort of person,
"Can you help me find my spirit?" He laughed loudly,
"Darling you need to relax put that necklace back on I stopped it from burning you" I picked up the necklace but I couldn't bring myself to put it on it made me physically sick,
"That's Luna saying 'eh I don't wanna be suppressed' trust me you'll feel fine when you put it on" I sigh and put it on he was right but Luna was instantly nagging me about how I'm a bitch for doing that,
"Now your spirit was killed but somehow it's prancing around like it's fine but something isn't right with it, it's like it's dead but it's been resurrected but with magic" he clicked his fingers and I found myself in a sort of dim room with a almost gloomy feeling to it,
"Will I be able to be with my spirit-"
"No if there's magic involved your spirit kinda disappears until the spell is gone" he sat on a bunch of wooden crates that had been arranged to a throne,
"I suppose you're missing being the king of hell?" He laid across the male shift throne,
"Nope barely can tell the difference" he sat up and laid across it the other way, sighing loudly when he could get comfortable,
"Enough about me lets get onto you" he sat back up leaning forward looking at me like I'm a master piece,
"Will I still be able to have my spirit without the spell?" He nodded and shook his head looking up,
"It really all depends on the spell cause your spirit might go from one thing to another when it breaks or it might get destroyed or even break into multiple pieces" god this sucks I sat down resting my head in my hands,
"Do you know who or what it is?" He leant back looking pleased,
"No but I have a feeling you do, mind if I have a dig arou-"
"No" I snapped he turned into a toddler complaining,
"Come on That's no fair I've been answering your questions!" I rolled my eyes standing back up looking at the angel and demon warding even some cloaking wards,
I turn to Luna who was a cloud of smoke just floating there,
"Is it Riley?" Luna stayed still but I took it as a yes, I collapsed against the wall holding my head,
"Fuck me" Lucifer coughed and laughed,
"Don't have to ask me twice" a crate shot at his head which Luna threw Lucifer glared at her,
"I can kill you ya know, just a little bit" Luna turned into a blonde lady with blue eyes, she wore dark blue jeans and a black shirt and a brown jacket on top,
"Don't test me" she snapped Lucifer shut up and sat down muttering something about being a bitch,
"Can you find her?" I asked no one in particular they both shook their head,
"Well I do know how to find her, with a very powerful witch I know, but me and her aren't on good terms I kinda tried to kill her" I stood up,
"Give me the details of her whereabouts-"
"She's also tried to kill you and it's next to impossible to find her" he gave me a look,
"Rowena and it's it's only next to impossible there's still a slight chance of possibly finding her" he walked up to me grabbing my shoulders holding me close to his face,
"She tried to kill you dont you understand that" I rolled my eyes,
"Yea I do Dad and I know where I can get a lead, or more like who I can get a lead from" I looked Lucifer in the eyes searching for Crowley,
"He's in my throne room if that's what you're looking for" I nodded,
"Awesome send me there" I stood back holding my hands up with my eyes closed, wow this is taking awhile,
"For fuck sake" I open my eyes to see I'm in an empty throne room similar to the one I was in except the throne is bite and fancy with red velvet draping all over it I notice a hell hound starting to growl at me,
"Hey it's okay" I put my hand in front of its snarling face and it stopped and started licking my hand,
"See just a nice little puppy" I started to scratch behind his ears, "just be quiet okay?" I go over the the throne and sat down throwing my legs over the arm rest playing with nails,
"INTRUDER ALERT!" I puny demon starts screaming murder running down a hallway,
"Well then" this just got interesting, Crowley storms into her bright red,
"What the bloody devil are you doing?" He stormed towards him and the hell hound started to growl,
"Down boy" I said smirking, "any who I need you to find someone" he was still red in the face a few demons barge in and he clicked his fingers causing black smoke to escape their mouths,
"The next person to interrupt us will loose their soul as well as their vessels" Crowley shouted is looked like he was turning more red by the second,
"So then," I lean forward smirking, "shall we talk business?" He clenched his jaw and a chair appeared,
"Only on my terms" he sat down, glaring at me.

Dream ghosts * UNEDITED*Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz