Chapter 3

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I took another huge swig which left me an empty bottle of tequila,
"Hey who drank my drink!?" I shouting throwing it up throwing a knife at it,
"Hey Black?" I turn to look at Riley,
"Well hello hello what we got here?" I walked over to her and hugged her,
"I've never told anyone this but I'd totally bang you" I laughed and kissed her cheek "any whooo what's up?" I ask leaning on her,
"Dinner is ready, lets go eat" I nodded,
"I'll be in soon" she frowned but left me so I sat down looking at the trees when me left hand got a weird hand cramp but then it shifted into its crystal form "the fuck?" I threw my jacket on it trying to hide it,
"Black are you okay?" Shit shit shit! The fuck am I going to do? Play it okay "yea I'm fine baby cakes " SHIT THAT WASN'T SMOOTH THE FUCK?! Oh wait you're a little drunk so she'll think it's fine,
"I find that hard to believe but okay" she went back inside for me to look at my hand,
"I didn't summon you what's up?!"I whispered shouted at my arm I sighed and quickly sprinted into the forest jumping from tree to tree trying to get away so they didn't see the fog coming from my hand.

When I thought I was far enough I sat down in a little cleaning,
"Okay what now? You can stop glowing and being creepy!" I thought of it shifting back but it wouldn't.
I gave up and looked up at the sky but that when I got the feeling I was being watched.
I shot up from my spot and aimed my armed around me,
"Who's there?!" I shouted at the shadows but all of a sudden magnificent colors of crystals flowed around me and mine started to glow brighter as well,
"Sister" a gruff voice said. A dream ghost with a crystal arm walked out. I aimed my arm at him,
"Don't take another step!" I shouted keeping my cool. Well kinda,
"Calm down sister we're here to save you-"
"Get away you killed my father!"
"After he killed many of us"
"To protect me" I so wanted my throwing knives to throw. All of a sudden my arm went all jagged and shot shards of crystal causing about five of the hundreds of them to die,
"Your one of you! Your the real monster! The only way we found you was because of your crystal shifting the same happens to us!" The thing shouted. I shook my head,
"Get away!" I forced my arm to shift which was extremely painful and hard but after a few moments it did.
"Goodbye you monsters!" I threw a salt grenade my own invention and started sprinting away jumping over roots and rocks.
Tears sprung to my eyes.
I'm hunting my own kind.
What the hell! They aren't supposed to do the crystal thing. Are they? Wait.
Every monster has different levels maybe that's the highest level of them. But what if that's their true form and they can blend with humans like me?
I ran into something hard and fell over,
"Hey watch it!" I look up to see Jackson with a whip,
"Why were you screaming?" I wiped my tear away and stood up,
"because I saw a werewolf pack they caught me off guard I didn't have weapons and I needed back up. I knew you would come" the lie easily rolled off my tongue,
"That's a lie,I saw some glowing lights what were that?" I remained silent, "Where's your weapons? I heard something that sounded like knives clattering" I frowned at him,
"What you have supersonic hearing now? Wait were you following me?" I scoffed and started storming towards the warm lights from the cabin,
"Well I wasn't going to let a drunk go around alone" I rolled my eyes and turned to face him, which was kinda hard to look threatening when he's 6ft something and I'm 5ft "listen here I'm allowed to have some privacy okay? Now fuck-"
"Don't swear" ohhh I was about to bitch slap the sassy outta his ass,
"Now bugger off you twat" I mocked a British accent and jumped into my room through the window slamming it shut before Mr nice guy has anything else to say.

I rolled over sighing again. I hated this I was uncomfortable and I couldn't sleep. I sat up and grabbed the necklace around my neck and held it feeling the two rings on it,
"mum dad" I whispered I got up and walked to the kitchen where I saw Bruce laying on the ground wagging his tail,
"Hey buddy" I pat his head and walked into the kitchen. I sighed and opened the fridge grabbing iced coffee and cookies.
"Can't sleep?" I peg the plate of cookies at the intruder which they successfully kicked out of the way,
"Sorry to scare you just wanted a drink" Riley giggled,
"Your going to get into trouble for that" she pointed to the plate that was stuck in the wall,
"Oops" I took the time to look at Riley to notice she had a massive hoodie on and looked like a small child rubbing her eyes tiredly,
"Well I think we have a shortage on cookies" I laughed as Bruce practically inhaled all the cookies off the floor,
"Yea true that. Hey I really want to learn how can you turn your arm into a crystal? Humans can't do that" I pulled my sleeves down hiding my arm and shoving it in my pocket,
"What do you mean? I have a weapon my dad created, it's a weird thing he made." I pulled my pen out and pressed the button while I shifted my arm into a crystal arm which surprised me.
Hmmmm maybe I can change it to what ever shape I want.
I closed my eyes and thought of it to turn into a katana which it did.
I glanced at Riley and saw shock and awe,
"Don't tell anyone I only use it for emergencies" she nodded touching it,
"Why is it so cold?" I shrugged and touched it with my other hand.
She was right it was below freezing,
"I can't feel the cold, any way-" I clicked the pen and made my hand back to its tattooed self,
"Bed time" I secretly grabbed a bottle of Baileys and milk while Riley openly grabbed a bottle of Jack Daniels and coke I raised a brow and she shrugged,
"I need sleep too" I rolled my eyes and walked into my bed but before I did Riley hugged me from behind,
"The rings on your necklace aren't yours, they're your parents and on them is salt. I'm sorry about them" I stood frozen shocked I didn't understand what's going on so I panicked and pinned her up against the wall with her hand above her head and the other holding her chin,
"It's numb now. It's still there like a scar but it doesn't hurt." I didn't realized how close we were until I felt her lips brush up against mine.
She tried to get closer but I pulled away,
"Goodnight" I quickly walked into my room locking it.

Fuck I enjoyed that.

But I enjoyed it to much.

Way to much.

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