Chapter 19

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"We can be together again, just me and you all we have to do is go nothing is holding us back"
"But...why now? I've finally got a family and a place to call home" I shift my weight between my feet avoiding eye contact with them,
"Please help me"
I closed my eyes and took a deep breath but when I opened them again she was gone, AK walked up to me and touched my back,
"Shes got your spirit you need to go and ge-"
"Hey Black you awake?" The pounding on the door was nothing compared to my head,
"Yea yea hang on" I grunted in response.
Getting up slowly I stretch and go open the door to a very fidgety Sam,
"What's up?" I muttered rubbing my eyes,
"I-um your clothes are umm" I look down to see I'm in men's under wear and a trench coat.
Grabbing the trench coat quickly pulling it around my body eyes wide with fear,
"What the hell?!" I frown I don't remeber going to bed or even making it back to the car,
"Umm we couldn't find you and Cas found you uhhh naked near that hunter cabin close to death, I was told by Cas he found some clothes for you and dress you but I guess we need to teach him it's different between males and females" Sam clears his throat,
"Also you were found holding this" he hands me a gunmetal chain necklace  with a small heart on it, not the love heart but a bright crimson red heart which produced its own heat.
As soon as it touched my palm warmth spread through my body I also felt something moving from my neck and chest to my elbows, I slam the door and look at my arms to see the flames are barely touching my elbows.
Something sparked inside of me.
Is this my spirit?
Something inside of me screamed no but what could it be? I slam the door open and grabbed Sam by his collar and pulled him in slamming the door again,
"What is this?" I held it in front of him, he just shrugged, "hold it" he frowned and grabbed it the flames crawled up my body again, "do you feel anything? Like does that feel warm?" He shook his head frowning,
"Why? Does it feel warm when you touch it?" I touched his hands to see if I was just really cold but he hands felt normal and kinda sweaty,
"Sorry if I'm making you nervous, can you do it up?" I turned around and pulled my hair to the side which I noticed had started to go darker at the ends.
The warm heart touched my chest causing me to grab it getting a slight tug from Sam,
"Sorry I just can't get over the feeling" I let go of it so he could do it up as soon as he did my hand instinctively touched it again, it's hard to describe how it felt, like when you're freezing cold and you have a hot drink and can feel it traveling down you're throat but you can feel it pulse through your veins.
"Black?" I shake my head and look at Sam who handed me a glass of coffee "is it a Russian coffee?" He frowned,
"What's that?"
"Vodka and coffee" he rolled his eyes,
"No, it's an all natural normal one, I'll grab you pants and a tomorrow shirt then we'll go a grab you some clothes that'll actually fit you for now get some rest" he stared to walk out but I quickly grabbed his sleeve looking down, what was I feeling? Sad? No that isn't sadness, it's something that is still foreign to me.
What am I afraid of?
"Please stay" the words slipped out before I could process what to say.
I didn't dare look up cause for some reason I was afraid if I look up he'll laugh at how scared I am. Instead and walked towards me and picked me up bridal style and sat me on the bed and then a few seconds later after some shuffling he sat next to me with sitting there for a moment until I found myself leaning against him, I finally had the guts to look at his face to see he was looking at me with a thoughtful look,
"You can go if you want" I say but really I wanted to fall asleep in his arms to feel protected,
"It's okay, I know how you feel" he sighed wrapping his arm around me with ease gently resting it around my stomach.
"I'm not really tired" I muttered it was a lie but my stubborn ass just wanted to go do shit,
"You and I both know that's a lie, I promise I'll be here when you wake up" those words seemed to echo though my head as I felt myself drift to sleep but that stage of when your body is asleep but still awake I found myself floating around the room, it was strange I was watching Sam gently brush the hair out of my face as I slept but I wasn't asleep I was here? Everything starts dimming to a nothingness I notice I was like a cloud of white fog I stare at my hands and look up at the sound of crashing I see a cloud of black fog, glowing red eyes peered at me with curiosity,
"Hello?" I said the black fog said the exact same thing at the same time,
"Sorry I-" again it happened. Slowly I walked towards it and it walked towards me moving cautiously, the same way as I was.
That's when I noticed that person looked a lot like me.
I raised my hand and so did the black fog but it smiled,
It shifted into Riley,
"Fear is a great emotion" she growled,
"What do you want?" I was still taken aback from what was going on and what it was,
"To be released, that fancy little necklace is keeping me cooped and now comes the what am I, well werewolves have their wolf side I'm like the wolf of a dream ghost you're just a piece of meat I like to possess well technically you don't have a choice" I stare confused,
Riley looked like a solid now and looked human no more black fog or glowing red eyes,
I felt my mask come on covering every emotion,
"So basically you the dream ghost and I'm just the host?"
"Like a werewolf only cooler and you don't turn into a wet dog" I rolled my eyes,
"And you want me to take the necklace off? Because our powers are being suppressed?"
"Only mine you still have your powers but the more the tattoo you have the stronger you are so yea" she didn't seem interested just kept cleaning her nails,
"I'm not taking it off" I stated sternly,
"Keeping you suppressed doesn't  affect me why should I care?" An evil laugh erupted from deep within her,
"because I'll be annoying you until you do see now that all my power is suppressed to one little spot I can wiggle my way into your brain" I clenched my fists I want to go I felt myself starting to shake but because someone was shaking next thing I know I'm being pulled away from Riley and back to Sam.
I gasp sitting up,
"Thank god you stopped breathing and was starting to freeze stuff" he stood me up and behind him I could see Riley waving with a sinister look on her face,
"Go away you bitch!" I shouted storming towards the bathroom where she was leaning against the door,
"Uh Black?" I turned around glaring,
"What? She's the reason I'm a psychotic killer! Remember?" The look of utter confusion on his face told me everything,
"You can't see her can you" my voice dropped to a low whisper,
"Black I can't see anyone but you" he said in a Sorry sort of voice,
"S-sorry I thought I could see someone" he wrapped his arm around me walking me out of the room I looked back to see her laughing and clapping like it was the funniest thing in the world. I looked back around at the ground and found myself sitting in the map room.
I started tapping my foot anxiously god dam it couldn't there be any other symptom? Like blindness or something,
"Why so anxious?" Riley sat in front of my smiling I continued to stare at my hands,
"Go away" I muttered sourly under my breath,
"Okay" Riley turned into a cloud of smoke and was sucked into the vents,
"Well usually naked girls are found passed out naked at rough one night stand" dean walked it with a 2 big plates of food,
"Ha ha" I forced a laugh and kept staring at my hands,
"Hey are you all right?" Deans playful voice turned into a concerned voice, "you seem-"
"Anxious? Afraid? Agitated? The three A's I'm feeling right now" I snapped I sighed,
"Sorry something not right" Riley was hovering over dean when he sat down, passing me a big plate of food.
We both ate in silence to him but to me Riley was complaint about how she wished she was alive to fuck him raw and how it's hard to choose between sex and bacon, I would've laughed but I couldn't find it.
Getting irritated at her talking and talking I stood up throwing the chair I was sitting on to the ground,
"For fucks sake shut up" Riley laughed and walked out of the room,
"I didn't say anything" dean said with a look of confusion and a small amount of worry,
"Fuck me I know you didn't I'm talking to R-" I stopped myself, "myself" I'm not lying technically Riley is me but why is the ghost inside of me taking that form,
"Umm" I quickly grab a bottle of whiskey and vodka and run into my room locking it behind me, I open the vodka and started skulling it which felt like I only had it in 3 mouthfuls but it did feel like it I was starting to get tipsy.
"Why did you take the form of Riley? Why couldn't you be a fucking troll or a fucking mosquito!" I shouted throwing the empty bottle at her it went straight through her and shattered in the small bathroom,
"I'm annoying enough to be a mosquito and I could be a troll but you're afraid of love and the one time you weren't afraid it was false hope, and you hide your fear with hate and anger but in reality your afraid of love, even the kind of family love, but you're also afraid of being alone so I'm making you overcome both those fears you'll never be alone andddd you can actually hate love and not be afraid of it" she picked up the whiskey bottle and opened it passing it to me, this wasn't the small girl I loved the one who was kickass yet shy as all hell. This thing was sinister almost the same one I shot.
"What do I call you" it was more of a statement then a question.
"I dunno Steve for all I care I have a lot of names"
"Can I call you shithead?"
"Huh? Why I don't care I was expecting-"
"Cause it spells shit head" she paused for a moment and rolled her eyes,
"God for a powerful creature you can be immature" she straightened herself up and her clothes changed to a wedding dress,
"Do you, Jessica Black take mwa, a sexy beast luna-"
"I thought you didn't have a name?" I smirked at her annoyed expression,
"Luna is one of the names I favored Kay? Now do you take me as your annoying hallucination you crazy person or not!" She threw black roses to the ground,
"No what the hell leave me alone" her sinister smile widened sickly,
"That's the spirit" Luna wanted to add something but the door opened and a very concerned Cas walked in,
"Black, I don't think you're aware of what that necklace can do-"
"Okay Cas buddy ok friend ol pal, this necklace had stopped my powers from spiraling out of control and it's-"
"Black you're talking to yourself like you would another person I'm afraid you power has materialized into something" Cas fidgeted with something in his pocket,
"Castiel think of a werewolf they have a wolf side it's the same with dream ghosts but they don't socialize unless that have to and Luna my one is getting very annoyed that I'm not letting her go and rampage like she wants to" Luna walked behind him pretending to slap his ass and shouting 'DAMMMM' as loud as possible making it very hard to hear Cas,
"It could turn into something serious it could actually physicallise itself, it doesn't happen to werewolves because every full moon they shift with you, you can suppress it keep it captive but you need to let it out once in awhile or there can be harsh consequences" Cas sighed and handed me a small box,
"Don't open it here not in the bunker when u get outside on en it, it'll show you what it does" he left without another word,
"Thank you?" I muttered confused shoving the little blue box in my pocket.
"Hmm maybe you should let me out?" Luna said teasingly poking my side,
"You wouldn't give me control back besides I don't trust you with anything let alone my body" I went into the bathroom turning on the water,
"True true don't blame you for that but let's make a deal if you destroy that necklace I'll just be a power source like a big battery!"
"No means no I don't trust you, If you looked like someone more trusting-"
"That's the thing you don't trust anyone more then Riley! You think you don't trust her but I'm you hun and may I say you're a mess" I rolled my eyes nodding, by now the room was full of steam which seemed to dilute Luna causing her to float away with the rest of the steam,
"Finally silence" I mumble under my breath getting into the shower letting the boiling water take away my worries and troubles.

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