Chapter 8

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"DIE!!!"I watched the person the trigger pull and saw Riley fall to the ground. I ran to her to see a pool of blood.
"No" I whispered holding her shaking body.
She raised her hand and rested it on my cheek,
"Wow being killed by human isn't how I thought I die" she laughed but she went into a coughing fit I pulled my phone out and called the ambulance,
"Hey shshhhhhhhh it's going to be okay I'm here" I whispered she smiled and a sob escaped my lips,
"Remember when we were laying in my bed and you said the exact same thing?" Tears blurred my vision. So did rage. "That sounded like a goodbye" I held her closer and rested her on side and saw blood shooting out the side of her stomach,
"Hey baby this is going to hurt the bullet is still in there I need to get it out" she nodded. I clenched my teeth we and turned my arm into tweezers and stuck it into the wound she muffled her scream,
"Hey it's okay I almost got it" she fell limo I check her pulse but there wasn't any.

"Hey wake up!" I sat up to see my arm was a knife I looked to see Riley standing across the room with a small scratch on her leg.
"I'm sorry I had a bad dream"
I hope it wasn't a vision but what worried me was that it felt so real.
"Here let me fix you up"I got up and walked into the kitchen and grabbed the first aid kit and walked back into her room to see her sitting on her bed patiently.

I started cleaning the cut and put tape over it and put a bandage over it.
"What were you dreaming about?" I sighed and shook my head,
"My mum dying. She didn't want me to hunt so she told me the ghouls was for Halloween. She traded her life for mine." I whispered she stood up and hugged me,
"Go have a shower I'm taking you out today" she smiled and grabbed some clothes and ran towards the bathroom.
I threw on a black thigh high dress and put on knee high socks on and black combat heel things and walked out to see Riley wearing dark blue jeans and a guns and roses shirt,
"Wow" she whispered I felt awkward,
"What? Is it bad?" I asked nervously she laughed and shook her head,
"No I've just never seen you in a dress" i rubbed my arm awkwardly and shrugged,
"Come on lets go" she nodded and walked out but when she was half out i smacked her ass.
She yelped and glared at me, i just smiled and wrapped my hands around her waist and gently laid a kiss on her warm skin.

"Lets go princess" she giggled and skipped out of the room. I was about to follow but my phone rang.
"Hello?" I asked because I didn't have this number in my phone,
"Hello Black? It's sir i need you to come to headquarters there's been a slight problem" i sighed and rubbed my face,
"As soon as i drop in with Riley got it? Ill see you in five" i hung up before he could say anything,
"Black?" I turn to see the small voice belonged to Riley poking her head from around the corner,
"Hey little one we need to drop in at headquarters somethings happened i promise well go out princess" I held her hand and walked her out to the car.

After about and hour and a bit of driving we finally arrived. I threw my keys at the parking dude and walked inside with Riley right by my side.
"Ah Hunter Black and Hunter Riley im glad you could come Riley may you go to the medical ward and use you skills there has been a monsters plumage thats causing everyone to act as if they're angry and they go insane. I need you to help them find a cure" she looked nervous but nodded at her with a smile,
"Okay sir but when Black is done send her to me" sir nodded and she was off without a word.

"What's so important?"i asked irritated,
"I need to tell you something that I should've told you years ago. It might even help you with the darkness." I glared at him unbelieving,
"Impossible! God locked her up in a hole and threw away the hole. She couldn't be back!" I shouted at him. Everyone in the foyer stopped and stared at me. No one, i mean no one has ever got the guts to even look him in the eye and I just shouted at him but the people staring annoyed me to shit.
"What the fuck are you worms staring at? Want to have a peice of this?!" I shouted everyone instantly went busy again.
"Black calm down, we need to discuss our situation in privet." I clenched my teeth to avoid any smart ass comment and followed him into a glass elevator that shot downwards,
"How is she back? I thought Lucifer still had the mark of Kane the key to the cell of the darkness" sir shook his head,
"A very powerful demon got the mark of Kane he has been silently living with it for hundreds of years but now every demon has targeted him. He disappeared but didn't take the mark. It was given to someone. Long story short the brother of the victim of the mark had 'cured' it also destroying the world by letting the darkness out and a weird disease is spreading everywhere" we were at the lowest level and walked into a dark tunnel, following blindly he continued,
"Now the story i must tell you is that I'm your uncle. Now not by blood but by adoption. My real parents left me on the streets and when i was found the color of my arm was child abuse. But i was so young I didn't understand right from wrong so i defended my parents buy saying i have a special ability. After years and years of experiments they found a way to remove my arm with me remaining alive" bright colored crystals started glowing. But the only color i found was blue. Bright shades of magnificent blue,
"They threw me into an orphanage and never looked back. Later on your grandfather adopted me seeing what they did. Later on they died and i became a hunter while you father joined me, he didn't want you to hunt and neither did your mother so they kept you hidden unless there was an emergency and i was to protect you. Your mother was killed the same way as your father but they made you see ghouls instead." he pressed the wall and a crystal came out and scanned his hand opening the cave to show a office inside a crystal box. They acted as computer screens and was showing training areas and weapon rooms and other stuff,
"Now," he clapped his hands sitting at a desk and pointing for me to sit, "all we have to do is track the darkness and then kill or trap it. After we do that we need to track our kind and then you'll learn you powers. But we have to get on there good side" i sat silently pulling a face, "what did you do?" I coughed and smiled,
"Well about that. I met them and killed four of them plus 12 when dad died and i kinda might've said ill hunt them down and kill every last one of them even my self" I laughed nervously rubbing the back of my neck.
"You WHAT?!" He shouted,
"Hey lower your voice you ass! I didn't know about this maybe you should've told me and I would've been nice!"fuck a duck! Well shite
"What am I going to do. You need to go deep undercover by leaving us" I slammed my hand against the diamond carved desk shattering it. Well fuck.
I looked at my hand to see it was all crystal up to the shoulder. I noticed the side of my hand was al chipped and broken but it was slowly growing back.
"What the hell Black?! Stop acting childish and control yourself you're already developing ur powers. I need you to stay at that cottage that's the best I can do if you blow your cover there's nothing I can do but sit and watch" he sent a quick glance to his left I rolled my eyes and had a look at the wall stealthily to see a camera,
"Fine whatever, I'm not letting this go" I turned on me heels and walked out but before I could he shouted "find god or destroy the darkness" I kept walking not bothering to reply.

I wonder who's controlling him. That's why he's been trying to hide me. The elevator door opened and I saw little Riley walk in,
"Hey you all right?" She grabbed my shoulder looking at my face, "you look like you've just heard the world is ending" I looked at her and raised an eyebrow,
"Please tell me the world isn't ending" I shook my head,
"Not just yet. I get to play a simply part by either killing the darkness or looking for god to kill her so yea everything's great" I walked out of the elevator to see SWAT agents among guns at me.
I kicked Riley back in the elevator and pushed the lowest floor button and smashed it forcing her to go downwards.
"Hunter Black" I nodded, "you are under arrest by the hunter comity for lying about... everything" he looked at me sadly and held up handcuffs, "easy or hard?" When he said hard guns raised up.
Behind my back my arm was already crystal ready to fight.
I looked around to see there was no one in here and I know all the glass is bullet prof and you can't see what's going on, on the insides.

"Hmmm easy is soooo boring" as soon as The words left my mouth guns blazed but my hand formed into a shield causing the bullets and syringes bounce off my arm.
"Hunter black give up now! Or else-!"
"TEA PARTY!" I cut him off and lifted my hand to shoot knives everywhere a few thumps around me happened and groans but I shrugged.
"Go outside they can't do anything" I whispered to myself.
I glanced over to see a good hundred people still the so I smirked.
I sprinted towards the door but strong arms wrapped around me covering my mouth and pulling out a needle,
"Hmm should've chosen easy" the man chuckled into my ear.
Everything was blurry and spinning,
"You mother fuckeing CUNT dick!" I wanted to scream but it came out as a whisper, "what are you going to do?" He just lifted me head up and smirked as blackness ran through my veins.
All I felt was anger and hate.
I looked up clenching my teeth,
"What did you do to me?!" My hand turned into black but I noticed my other hand was as well but only just above the wrist,
"Well we need someone to find a cure for this disease" I shot up and made my hand as a grappling hook going towards the high ceiling.
Shots whizzed passed me as but I started falling.
They shot my hand.
Everything was slow motion as I watched all my bad hurtful memories filled my mind making me angry.
"Black!" I shook my head and spun around landing on my stomach.
Everything spun around me as I tried to get up making it impossible,
"Black! Help me!" I shook my head again and looked around tiredly,
"Riley?" I whispered,
"Black please help!" I snapped out of my daze and saw her being dragged away but what made me more angry was they were about to inject her with the same stuff I was.
I picked up a gun that was next to me and shot the vile causing it to shatter and shoot the guy who was about to inject her.
"Riley!" I pulled out my katana and cut their heads off, "Riley hey shh I'm here but not for long" I picked her up and ran outside,
"Taxi!" A taxi pulled up I threw he in there and walked to the driver and gave the address,
"Too far, very sorry" I grabbed his collar through the window and pulled him inches away from my face,
"Listen here punk not a good time" I handed him $500 and put Riley in the back "if she doesn't wake up just walk up to the house and ask for Jacobs and say fresh cakes" he frowned but drove off.
me and Jackson made a promise if I go missing or going under cover our code is fresh cakes.

I felt a bullet go into my back causing me to fall to my knees but before I could pass out I was picked up and punched in the face so I was 100% out cold.

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